The first story I ever penned with the intention of publication was a story about talking fruit. This was years ago, before I'd ever heard of Veggie Tales.
It was a cute story about racial prejudice for young children. The story rhymed.
I sent it out, it promptly came back.
I did some research and read that three things were a no-no at that time in childrens books:
1. No rhyming stories.
2. No talking animals (or fruit)
3. No obvious moral theme.
Hmmmm. Guess I blew that one. But it was a cute story.
Years later I'm writing novels. In the CBA the supernatural element in a story really limits the possibilites of which publishing house will accept it.
A supernatural thriller is not an easy sell. But, its a great book. Unusual, exciting, funny and ...and...and...
Crickets chirp.
With a first novel, I probably should have stuck to a straight thriller. But I'm a salmon at heart. Always was.
I tried to write a sweet romance once. Ha. My lovely heroin stood in a field of bowing grass gazing into the distance for her beloved. When out of nowhere, she spotted two almond shaped yellow lights glaring at her.
Oh well.
I suggest to other writers getting ready to start a novel, for the first one, write to market. Instead of talking animals, make them people. Tone the moral theme down a notch. At least don't make it so obvious.
And write a legal thriller instead of a supernatural one. Then, once you've got the sales behind you, go for it and push the envelope.
I really believe The Demon Chaser is the book God had for me to write. People need to know they've got power over the darkness, with Jesus shining within them.
Christians are truly soldiers of light and need to be going to battle.
As for me, I'm going to battle, actually my agent is on my behalf, trying to get an unusual book on shelves where it can relay that message of hope.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
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Writing to Market
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
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