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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Aspiring Novelist Spotlight on ~ Ane Mulligan

ACFW Georgia area coordinator, Ane Mulligan, has lived a varied life: from legislative affairs director to playwright and drama director—her lifetime of experience provides a plethora of fodder for fiction. As a teenager, the humorous interpretation speeches she wrote won numerous state-wide awards. Her professional career began by writing position papers for Christian Coalition. As drama director for her church, Ane writes one-act and full length plays. She's been writing full time since 1998, published her first script in 1999. To date, she's published fifty-five scripts and five articles.

In 2002, Ane refocused her writing to after having an epiphany. She'd left her full time job in June of 2001 and was looking for another. Finally in December, her husband told her to quit looking and write a book. As soon as he said it, she felt God telling her she was ready. She is now at work writing her third novel, and the first of the series, When the Wind Blows, is being looked at by publishers.

Ane's second novel, When the Wind Blows, is a story of desperation, hope and triumph. After I finished this novel, I still found myself thinking of the characters and wondering what was next for their lives. The antagonist is deliciously frightening and the story is one that is sure to touch all who read it. Ane Mulligan is a gifted writer who is destined for greatness.

When the Wind Blows took second place in the fiction contest for unpublished authors at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in 2005. The second book of the series, When the Bough Breaks, is in progress and entered in the ACFW Genesis contest, so more can't be said about it in this spotlight.

What others are saying about Ane:

Kristy Dykes, award-winning author of seven novels: "You're a very good writer, and you emote so well. I could feel your character's grief and pain."

Peggy Darty, award winning author of 24 novels and contest judge, writes: "Ane Mulligan is a talented writer with a great sense of style and a solid understanding of what makes a novel work."

Eva Marie Everson, author of the Shadow series, Barbour Publishing: "Great plot weaving!"

Glynis Belec, author of Jailhouse Rock: I just read your first chapter of When the Wind Blows. Excellent! I loved it. A well-written, great hook and super character development. Put me on the list to buy a signed copy when it gets published.

Ane is actively seeking literary agent representation. She won't be looking for long, her writing is exceptional and in my opinion, quite saleable!

To read the first chapter of When the Wind Blows, or contact Ane--visit

Of Note:

Once or twice a month, we will be spotlighting a pre-pubbed novelist. You may be one of them. I have chosen writers whose writing I know well, and who I believe are "ripe" for publication. Please do not contact me to be spotlighted, I will contact you if I'm interested. If in the future, I'm looking for new names to spotlight, I'll make announcement. Thanks!


  1. Zoinks, Ane, I had no idea you were that prolific with the scripts! And I hope you realize what an amazingly supportive husband you've snagged.

  2. Happy to see you "in the spotlight" Ane. You deserve it. I'm honored to be "hangin' out" with writer's like you!
    Janet Rubin

  3. Apart from Ane's writing, her heart and soul are beautiful to behold. She would make a wonderful partner to any publishing house.
    S.Dionne Moore

  4. Thank you, Gina, for the spotlight. You have the best blog in blogdom! And thanks Michelle, Janet and Sandra. You're the best!

  5. Ane is one of the moderators of the critique group I'm involved in. She's been one of the most inspirational, constructive mentors I've had. Her patience and writerly insights were pivitol to the early stages of my development. Ane isn't afraid to be firm, though. Her knuckle-cracking critiques often reminded me of my years in Catholic school. Hence, I nick-named her Sister Ane. In a way, I've grown fond of her ruler. But it is her joy and wisdom I admire most. Thank you, Ane Mulligan. I'm forever indebted to you. May your borders be enlarged, your spark become a bonfire, and your ruler always find the mark.

  6. I had the privelege of meeting Ane personally this week. Haven't read her work yet but I can certainly attest that she's one cool lady (and has no fear of congested Atlanta traffic!), full of enthusiasm, wit, insight, and encouragement. She also has impecable tastes in dessert.

    Thanks, Gina, for shining the spotlight on Ane.

  7. It's a pleasure to officially "meet" you Ane. It's fun to be able to put actual people to the screen names I see so often here at Novel Journey. I wish you all the best in your writing endeavors!

  8. Hi Ane,
    Neat to see you in the spotlight. Your hard work is snuggling up to the big "pay off."
    blessings, e

  9. Mike D, thank you for your kind words. I will attest to cracking Mike's knuckles a few times, but he's turned into one of the finest writers I know. What a thrill to have helped!

    Mike Snyder is a hoot! I really enjoyed meeting you and our other ACFW buddies. But next time, we split a dessert. ;)

    CJ, I'm glad to "meet" you, too. I often see your comments, and they always have good insight.

    And Eunice, my friend - we go back a long way, don't we? Eunice was very instrumental in growing me as a writer. Thanks, E!

  10. Gina, thank you for spotlighting Ane! My, what a lady! And an incredible writer, too. How cool that her husband lit the match to get her novels going!

  11. Somebody snatch her up! LOL! So nice to see you on here, Ane. I really enjoyed your first chapter. Best wishes to you!

  12. Wow, Ane.

    Nice write up. I notice it didn't mention your creative colorful celebratory messages when anyone you know finds a bit of success, or the ruler wielding.......


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