My first new novel in two years is finally out this week. (Cue the trumpets.) It’s called The Opposite of Art, and I hope you’ll forgive a little boasting if I say right here in print that I think it’s my best work ever. I really do.
It has everything I love in a novel: strange and enigmatic characters, looming suspense, a love affair, beautiful settings, epic scale, more than a touch of the magical, and a persistent sense that there’s something important happening down below the words.
I know how bad it sounds for me to brag like this, but I don’t care. I just love this novel. I also predict it will be a commercial failure.
There are a lot of reasons it won’t sell many copies. 10,000 traditionally published novels out each year, for one. Not all of them can hit the bestseller lists. Not even most of them. In fact, just a fraction of them will come to any particular reader’s attention. After all, even if a person reads a novel every day, that’s only 365 in a year, which leaves 9,635 unread.
Plus there’s the fact that I hate all that marketing stuff the publishers have me doing, and it probably shows in poor execution. (Should I be saying things like this in public? I don’t know, which is probably Promotional Mistake Number One. And I don’t care, which is probably a Number Two. All I know is, like most writers I just want to write, and anything that interferes with writing is annoying.)
But to fully understand why The Opposite of Art won’t be a bestseller, you have to realize what it takes to satisfy a hundred thousand average readers or so.
If you’re reading this column, chances are you’re not one of those hundred thousand “average” readers. You’re more likely a published author, or a writer seriously trying to be published, or else one of those rare people so caught up reading that she wants to know everything she can find out about the art of writing. In short, you’re a true fiction lover, the way a gourmet loves fine food or a numismatist loves uncirculated coins, which means there’s nothing average about the way you read, which means if you want to satisfy that kind of reader, you have to work to understand them.
Begin with this: typical fiction readers seem to want all the loose ends tied up neatly in a novel. Every question answered. All mysteries dispelled in the end.
They won’t get that in The Opposite of Art. On the contrary, like most of my novels, it probably asks more questions than it answers.
When I was a little boy I annoyed my parents with the constant question, “Why?” Now I’m getting old, and I realize there are many questions nobody can answer. And you know what? I like it that way. I find asking questions without answers keeps life interesting. In fact, I can’t imagine how I could continue living if I knew the answer to everything (oh, the dreadful boredom of the gods).
Of course the major plot points are all brought together in the end of The Opposite of Art. I do play by the rules. But mysteries will also linger after the final page, because readers like me love loose ends. Most do not, but I do, so I’m okay with that.
On a related point, typical readers in the Christian fiction market in particular not only want all the questions answered in the end, they also seem to want the answers to include a message, a moral, or even (shudder) a clear doctrinal statement. You know: the way The Little Engine That Could teaches “don’t ever give up,” or The Cat in the Hat instructs one on the importance of tidying up before Mother comes home.
Again, I fear such readers will be disappointed in The Opposite of Art.
A certain kind of reader might encounter a few new ideas about the universe or eternity or whatever if they make an effort to think about the story while they read. They (you?) are the type of readers to be inspired, I hope, by the unanswered questions already mentioned. But I did my best to avoid writing plainly or overtly about Big Ideas. For those, readers must dig a little because above all, The Opposite of Art is a story about an artist who drowns, sees something he can’t begin to imagine, and comes back to life with a compulsion to paint that thing, even if it kills him. It’s a story, not a sermon or a parable, because I tend to think that’s what a novel ought to be.
Now here’s something strange: The very same readers who want a clear moral, or message, or doctrinal statement in a novel are usually the ones who don’t like thinking much about a novel. They want their Eternally Important Message, and they want a “fast paced page-turner” too, and they want it all in the same book!
I have never understood this, but it’s true.
Please don’t misunderstand. I enjoy page-turners as much as the next guy. At the beach, at the airport, or when I’m reading myself to sleep I think pulp fiction is great fun. I might even write a few pulp fiction novels one of these days.
And as you can probably tell by now I also enjoy literature, the kind of novel that makes me stop and re-read paragraphs just to savor the language or a thought. But both kinds of experiences in the same novel?
Thank you, no.
There mere idea of that makes me think of a restaurant where I had lunch recently. They were playing Ella Fitzgerald on the sound system, but I had a table near the kitchen and back there they were rocking out to Foreigner. Now, I love Ella, and Foreigner had some excellent material, but the experience of listening to both of them at once was absolutely awful.
While I do think The Opposite of Art will keep most readers interested from cover to cover, it is in no way intended to be a “page turner” in the classic sense. Instead, I wrote it for readers who want to stop, back up, and read some parts again. I love the kind of novel where the words themselves create a level of enjoyment in addition to the story that they tell, and I try hard to write the kind of novels that I enjoy. They don’t sell at newsstands, but writing that way makes be happy.
Every novelist has a thousand choices to make. Sometimes those choices are clear, and sometimes not so much. One of the first choices is probably the reason we sit down to write a novel in the first place. But even there, I’m okay without a complete answer.
I’ve never been totally certain why I write. I know only this for certain: I don’t write to answer questions; I don’t write to preach sermons; I don’t write to help my readers pass the time, and I don’t write just to tell a story.
All of which explains why The Opposite of Art won’t make me rich or famous. While that would be nice, there are about a thousand easier and more certain ways to get there so I’d be a fool to write for fame and fortune. Instead, I’ll just thank God for the (very) few people who truly love my work, and who are, of course, all geniuses.
Your heart is transparent in your posts, Athol. And I think you are a fabulous writer. Sometimes I think it is not the reader at all who is the cause of our successes or sales, but God Himself. He sees the heart, the motivation and if we're writing to simply please Him, then we should be satisfied with just that. Let the chips fall where they may and be thankful. The parable of the field workers who each get a darius comes to mind.
ReplyDeleteThe sales come or don't come, depending on so many factors, but in the end, it is God who holds the results.
There are books that are, in my very subjective opinion, poorly written that are NYT bestsellers. Books I wouldn't have touched with a ten foot pole as an editor. These not so well written books have changed lives for God's kingdom. In powerful ways that I don't really understand.
Do my books change lives, bring people closer to God? I fear they don't have the same impact other books have. This is where my heart is heavy and strives to improve more than in any other area of writing.
I'd love to write beautifully, and hopefully, on occasion, I do, but I've changed my goal to simply write a good story, a parable, that points others to God, not people to admire my words, not people to buy the book.
It takes everything in me, not to worry about how well a book will be received as I write it. (A constant, horrible battle within my self).
BUT when the book is finished, I then move to push it as hard as I can, because I am a stewart of the Kingdom's resources. It is my job, working for God, not man, to do everything in my power to make the book a success. I realize this is not what is on every author's heart. God has given us all a different mission and purpose and yours may be to show the beauty of words, the words God created by giving us a mind to create them.
The parables were not lovely however, not in a literary sense. They were simple storytelling and oh the power those words have!
As always, a very thoughtful post, Athol. I'm reading your book right now and you should be very proud of it (I see that you are and that's great. I'm feeling that way about my wip and it's a nice feeling!)
Keep on writing for God alone. His purposes will be accomplished despite all else.
Can I just say a giant, resounding THANK YOU for your honesty? THANK YOU! Being a wish-I-was-published author, I have many times lamented the fact that we must do so much more than what we really desire to-- WRITE. That's all I want to do. It brings me so much joy. Like you, I write stuff that I would want to read. I have to believe there are folks out there who like to read the same stuff I do. That's where I have to trust God, like Gina said. I have to believe that if I am sure God called me to write something, then He'll put it in the hands it belongs in. Perhaps that means my book will be a commercial failure. But I am satisfied with the thought that it will be a spiritual success, even if that means only a few people read it. If ONE person turns their heart to Jesus because of my wip, it will be worth the 5 years it took to write the crazy thing! And yes, I do have many book ideas that are simply born of a love of writing, language and humor. If they're in there, they have to come out, you know?! May God bless and surprise you with your newest work, Athol!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the opportunity to read this book Athol. It was a gripping, gritty haunting story I couldn't put down. I had never read a book by you before and was spell bound! There were some parts that made me uncomfortable! It was like reading someone’s testimony and hearing all the hard things they went through before they got saved. You keep reading because you know that something good will happen soon. It’s got to!
ReplyDeleteIn your book your main Artist character is living life hard and fast (which you show-it helped the reader get into the heart and mind of him) and helped the reader care. Then the Artist has this horrific incident and is forever changed (not in a preachy way – it was kind of a surprising and interesting change his life took after the incident)
You say “this is a story about an artist who drowns, sees something he can’t begin to imagine, and comes back to life with a compulsion to paint that thing, even if it kills him. It’s a story, not a sermon or a parable, because I tend to think that’s what a novel ought to be.”
Athol, It was a story I was compelled to finish as I felt this Artists anguish and how he sought ways to re-create what he had seen and experienced.
You also said, “Begin with this: typical fiction readers seem to want all the loose ends tied up neatly in a novel. Every question answered. All mysteries dispelled in the end.”
I guess I’m not your typical reader. I don’t like things tied up in a nice neat bow. Everything doesn’t have to be answered or completed. But I do like a satisfying ending. Just like with Gina’s book Crossing Oceans, it wasn’t the ending we all hoped for but knew in our heart of hearts it’s how the story had to end. I think that your book had the same feel.
You give the reader a hopeful, satisfying ending with so many more possibilities to think about for days after you’ve finished the book. This is not your typical Christian Fiction story. Life gets messy and Athol you do a good job of showing that and a good job of showing a life changed. He tries to show the world without words. Francis of Assisi said, “Share the Gospel…when necessary use words”
Nora St.Laurent
The Book Club Network
Thanks for your kind words about the novel, Nora. Clearly you are one of those rare geniuses who understand my work. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd Gina, thanks for adding the book giveaway. You're so much better at the promotion part than I am...I never even thought of doing that. :-(
That's what tribes do for each other Athol, fill in one another's gaps. :)
ReplyDeletei loved this! i wonder how many classics don't have "hooks" at the end of EVERY CHAPTER, don't have a neat and tidy ending (Gone w/the Wind, anyone?), or even a single climactic event that everything builds to and then tidies up afterward. it's sad to feel that the only way one can get published these days in the Christian market is to leave out any and all "questionable" elements (read: realism, what we all live EVERY DAY). let's not bury our heads in the sand and act like there weren't prostitutes, sexual affairs and violent murders that happened in the Bible. reading Genesis alone is enough to show that isn't true!
ReplyDeletei think, to stand the test of time, books have to ask hard questions, and sometimes NOT have all the answers.
i've contemplated writing a YA amish werewolf romance or something to get my foot in the door. but i just can't write something i'd hate to read. i think the amish fascination is entirely UNrealistic, anyway, and i doubt that any amish person reading those novels would see anything recognizable about their very laborious and not-always-romantic lives.
i am thrilled to see someone speaking up in the Christian fiction industry who is willing to write something real. frank peretti did, and so did c.s. lewis. and God blessed them for it, and those who read their books. i hope we can start to reach the WORLD with quality writing, interesting/realistic characters, and thought-provoking questions. now, if only i could find a Christian agent who felt the same way!
blessings on your book!
After reading all about what this book is not and all the reasons I might not like it, I hopped over to Amazon to find out what the publisher says this book is. Now, I'm intrigued. LOL! It sounds like an interesting story, and I like to think I'm cerebral enough to handle it. Books, for me, come in all shapes, sizes, colors and styles.
ReplyDelete(not to malign all amish fiction! i realize that there's a time and place for the lighter, happier reads that don't raise many questions, etc. but i'm just sorry that the Christian market is saturated with something that many people aren't drawn to).
ReplyDelete"I wrote it for readers who want to stop, back up, and read some parts again. I love the kind of novel where the words themselves create a level of enjoyment in addition to the story that they tell, and I try hard to write the kind of novels that I enjoy."
ReplyDeleteIf you need a poster child for that kind of reader, I volunteer.
Here's what's interesting, at least to me. I don't read suspense (being the Queen of the Big Honkin' Chicken Club), however, I was so intrigued by the back cover copy on this book, it's in my TBR pile on my night stand. That doesn't happen often, Athol. I'll let you know how I like it ... if I don't chew my nails to the nub getting through it. ;)
ReplyDeleteAthol, for someone who says they aren't into marketing--I think you hit on a good marketing trick.
ReplyDeleteDon't push that button! And we will all rush to push it.
I've read at least one of your books and enjoyed it. This one sounds intriguing.
You do sound judgmental toward readers. People read for different reasons. Then again, another good marketing ploy- controversy.
Good job. I think you're going to sell quite a few.
Hmm, now where is that Amazon tab?
I don't want to be part of the giveaway - but just so you know -- I actually ordered The Opposite of Art several days ago - it shipped from Amazon Tuesday and is due in at any time.
ReplyDeleteI stumpled across this site and your post intrigued me. I would love to win this giveaway (if not, I'll put it on my "to purchase list". I try to branch out and read new authors every now and again.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you!
Why I Won't Win This Book Giveaway
ReplyDeleteThere are already 12 comments preceding mine and there's only one copy to go around. (I'll accept pages and portions to be distributed like a Bible in China.) It's hard to say how many more will nose their way into this chance lessening the possibility even further. Probably posting right now while I'm trying to have my say.
Gina said she was choosing randomly. No thought, no scientific method applied, just dumb luck. I'm not sure I have any luck at all but if I did possess some I'd prefer it be of the brilliant variety, so now that I've thumbed my nose at the inferior branch of luck I'm sure to lose.
I probably don't deserve it since I'm clearly rebellious. As soon as I read one reason why Athol said I shouldn't like it I already made up my mind to prove him ill informed so he could add yet another negative description to his list of self described short comings. By the time I made it to his third I was screaming, "Just shut up and give me that book!" So unworthy. Even my code word below, permitting me to post says, hersins. Not a good omen. Or Amen for that matter.
I'll just go buy it if I don't win a copy, so no one's going to make me a winner out of pity saying, poor girl won't get to read it unless we give it to her. Not that Gina's using sympathy to decide; it's random, remember.
Oh Athol, I hope to goodness we're both wrong! I love your writing and I want us both to win!
And p.s. everybody, Jan Karon is a fan of this guy's talent too! (Just might have to pass my copy along to her.)
Shame it had to be a random choice. Since her loving it and all could move heaven and earth....
Hey, I'd give it a shot. Your description intrigues me to the core, because I've seen artists who attempt to paint the unfathomable with varying degrees of success. (Look up Akiane, the child art prodigy.)
ReplyDeleteAlso the premise reminds me of the qiet, contemplative books by Natalie Babbit, like The Eyes of the Amaryllis or The Search for Delicious, or Tuck Everlasting. More books that didn't give you all the answers, but were satisfying all the same.
I don't know about all the meta-stuff about whether or not the book will sell or why Mr. Dickson wrote it. But I do enjoy Mr. Dickson's writing, andif I don't win the book, I'll probably buy it at some point.
ReplyDeleteSo. . . pull some meaning and statistical probability out of that reaction.
I'm so pleased that a friend shared a link to this page. Much like you mention enjoying reading a book to savor its literary components,but this article, for me, was much that same experience. The voice, the hooks from paragraph to paragraph, the intuitive thought pattern that I didn't expect going in, but found myself all throughout saying "yes... yeah...yep", it was just a pleasure to read. Like many have said above, I don't care for the fairy tale ending (nor am I denigrating anyone who does). I'm not a clean-bow-at-the-end-of-my-stories kind of guy. Is there a point of conclusion? Of course. But why don't I like them? Because that's not what life is and I appreciate writing that imitates life, just my perogative. Some read to escape it, I write it to get it out of my mind's eye. Lovely writing, Athol, The Opposite of Art is definitely on my hit list, as are the rest of your works. There's nothing sweeter than finding a writer with whom I connect.
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled upon this page today and hadn't heard of your name before, but let me just say I'm glad to be one of those rare people who wants to know everything about writing. (Either that, or I'm a published author).
ReplyDeleteAs a side note, you remind me a bit of Lemony Snicket.
Of course, now I have to buy this book to prove you wrong!
ReplyDeleteMany blessings on your writing and much success with this novel.
I love the post. I think many of us feel the way you do. However, I believe if we let God direct our writing and our promotion then the book will get into the hands of those God wants to read it. What more success could we ask for than that? Can't wait to read your book.
ReplyDeleteNow that's an unusual way to promote your book--just be honest!!! After reading this interview, I REALLY want to read The Opposite of Art.
ReplyDeleteHmm...what other great ideas do you have for non-promotional promoting? I think I could learn a lot from you!
Sounds like the kind of book I will try to buy at full price just to let the publishers know someone wants to read this stuff.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, with all I've been learning about marketing recently, I think this kind of post will actually appeal to your target market and attract the readers who will actually enjoy your book. So it's kind of brilliant. And, when you see my post on Novel Rocket in two weeks called, "How to Write the Unmarketable Novel," please know that I turned it into Michelle Griep over a week ago ;)
If this book has even half the power of River Rising, I'm sold. You say it's your favorite, which means a heftier story than your first? I'll hie myself off to Amazon.
ReplyDeleteI once pared a work of mine, scraping off the odd parts to conform to what others said it needed. Now, I've taken it back, made it mine again in spite of broken rules (not grammatical -- oh, no, I'm the grammar nazi, says husband Michael). My agent claims my work is too literary for easy commercial sale. (Odd. It doesn't feel that way to me.)
I love the fact that your very literary, non-commercial works stand as beacons, Athol.
Write on.
(And may one or two like you come knocking on Wayside's door.)
Athol, thank you for your post.
ReplyDelete1. Hearty agreement on the tiresome treadmill of self-promotion. I find it so odd and uncomfortable that we are learning daily how to deny ourselves and walk in humility EXCEPT when promoting our Christian novels. THEN we're supposed to yap about ourselves all the live-long day. Blech.
2. Ella and Foreigner: I hear you. I write books that are intended to make people laugh, maybe cry once or twice, and take small moments to think about big things. A preacher I am not, though I might have tried that profession out in junior high when I got very riled up about youth group and the evils of secular music.
It is a daily, sometimes hourly, struggle to keep my focus on telling a story worth telling, writing a novel for the beauty and the joy of the art. Period.
One would think this would be a simple ideal, but I have yet to silence the naysayers, and those are just the ones in my own head!
kimberly stuart
Though Ella Fitzgerald is not quite my cup of tea, I do love words and word pictures and sentences and thoughts. When will Gina announce the winner?
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win a copy. (But if I don't, I'm planning on watching for it at the library. **hits add to to-read shelf on Goodreads**)
ReplyDeleteI'm so frustrated with the whole publishing scene, I decided to write this post in violation of pretty much everything they tell me about how to promote my novels. And it gets all these positive comments.
ReplyDeleteLife is strange. :-)
Now that I've reached a point where I'm sure my work will never rise above the low end of the mid-list, wouldn't it be funny if I got discovered? Then again, that's kind of how God works. If you want something badly, He tends to hold it back because He doesn't want to enable your idolatry. But as soon as you don't care so much about it anymore, whamo! You get blessed with it.
Don't try to tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor...
My favorite part of novel rocket is reading your posts. I can read about two sentences and I know it's you and I have to finish reading. I'm in learning mode as a writer and I subscribe to a lot of stuff but it only takes a few sentences to know whether I'm going to finish the article or not.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to read this book because there's nothing I like more than savoring a book. I avoid page turners because I classically read and re-read books and portions of books I like.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom. It helps writers like me. I've shifted from wanting to only publish to wanting to perfect the craft. A good change I think...
Well, just so you know, I'm going to order your book with the hope that you write as honestly in your novels as you did in this post. I don't want all the answers. For me, the best writing is the kind which allows the readers to fill in the blanks.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great book of literary fiction that takes us on a journey without training wheels. So adult, so grown up and so mature. You're right, not everyone is ready for the ride!
ReplyDeleteA fascinating approach to promotion... or would that be non-promotion? It's true that I'd far rather write than market, but once I admit such a thing I have to evaluate why I write. Is it just to get the words out of my head, or is it to reach readers with my story and/or ideas? The latter requires marketing. ::sigh:: I like your approach, Athol. :)
ReplyDeleteAthol, that's true. When I stopped wanting to be published more than anything, I got published. When I stopped fretting about selling well, I did. Not that I didn't still do what I could to help my chances. That's just how God works, for me at least.
ReplyDeleteI for one am looking forward to this book. I loved the excerpt you posted a few months ago.
ReplyDeleteI'm not the typical reader. And not just because I'm a novelist too. I don't always want things wrapped up in a pretty package at the end. I like wondering what really happens when it's over, re-reading certain passages that sing.
I don't like "preachy" fiction. In fact, we've been talking about that very subject on the ACFW Historical loop the last couple of days. Since I don't read "preachy", I don't write it either. There's not a single verse of Scripture quoted anywhere in the novel I'm currently editing.
There is a growing market out there for those kinds of books. I'm the next generation of reader the CBA has to hook if they want the unbelievable growth to continue.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to hear it's out! (nearly)
There are certain authors who really should be at the top. People of excellence. Writers with depth and great skill. Writers with Something to Say (but not sermons). You are one of those. You should be a top seller. It really speaks more to what readers have become than anything else. Thank you for not compromising for the sake of fame and fortune!
You had me at the title. And now that I've learned a bit more about it, I'm confident your skill as a writer far exceeds any pseudo-prophetic tendencies.
ReplyDeleteWe recognize the power of the bottom line. But we don't have to allow it to drive our work.
Thanks for the reminder and example.
I love this. Write what you want! Who wants to be rich and famous? Well, okay, some people do. But I'd rather write what I want, or I don't write at all. :)
ReplyDeleteI would buy this book on the cover alone because I'm just that kind of reader.
ReplyDeleteAs one whose last two novels placed me in the "we wouldn't touch that with any measure of pole" category by nine out of ten CBA houses, this warmed my heart:
"I love the kind of novel where the words themselves create a level of enjoyment.. and I try hard to write the kind of novels that I enjoy... writing that way makes be happy."
I've tried writing the other way. It all sounded like blahblahblah, and it made me quite unhappy.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind looking at a royalty check that required two commas (or one), so I could breathe a bit on the verge of wanting to retire.
But, as my students tell me, "It is what it is, Mrs. A," and I am learning to be content with writing on the fringe if that's where God decided I should be.
Athol, other than this article, I haven't read a single word of your work, but I just might be your newest fan. "The Opposite of Art" just shot to the top of my reading list.
ReplyDeleteKeep at it, my friend.
Thank you for your honesty. It's encouraging to those of us "writing on the fringe" as Christa put it.
ReplyDeleteThe Opposite of Art sounds fascinating and I'll be adding it to my TBR pile.
Well my friend, you know I've tried to fill in the gaps for your not caring about marketing bent :) Many writers make me want to read another one of their books. You are one of those rare ones who makes me want to forget reading for a while and write. Of course after I finish up with The Opposite of Art.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your candor, it is refreshing, though as an unpublished writer, it is a bit unsettling.
ReplyDeleteIt has given me new insight into the minds of readers and while I may never be a "best seller", I think what I write will resonate with some readers...they too will be geniuses (wink)!
I'm adding your book to my wish list.
I bought this book and cannot wait to read it. Thank you for your heart and honesty and grit and tenacity and dedication to the craft, all of which inspire me.
ReplyDeleteI love your work! Glad to hear I'm a genius. Looking forward to reading this. I'll put it on my wish list.
ReplyDeleteI am So right there with you, Athol. I even blogged about this very thing this week. It's like Jeremiah asking God, "To whom shall I speak?" and God saying, "Speak to these people, but just so you know, they aren't going to listen to you." I'm listening to YOU, Athol, and I'm telling everybody I know to listen also. Let's just keep praying that the few who want unanswered questions in art will be enough to keep bread on our tables. Nancy Rue
ReplyDeleteFunny, Nancy - this post made me think of you. And the novel made me think of you, and some other God-seekers who want to tell the truth on the page, and know that if they make that choice, they are risking their careers.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I shout from? which rooftop? How many readers are there out there who put down a Christian book and ache, not for God, but for the purity and simplicity that they've just read about?
I feel a blog post coming on.
I stumpled across this site and your post intrigued me. I would love to win this giveaway (if not, I'll put it on my "to purchase list". I try to branch out and read new authors every now and again.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you!
Greetings to Sara, Athol and everyone else on this thread! My name is Dastan King. I am glad that people still choose to read new authors with new ideas. It makes me feel marginally better about the world as a whole. If you are feeling like "branching out" for another new author, may I please submit for your reading pleasure, "Paladin Effect" by Mother and Son Author Team Dastan and Lori King. PALADIN EFFECT now available for only $2.99 on Amazon KINDLE with 10% of ALL profits going to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital till the end of time. Every child deserves a chance to live. There is also a sequel currently in production. If you happen to become a fan, feel free to email me back for a free promo card, hand autographed by both authors! Good luck Athol, with ALL things present and future! Have a wonderful, blessed day!
~Dastan King~