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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Friday, July 29, 2005

I'm Going To The Conference!

I've mentioned before that going to my first writer's conference a few years back was an eye opener and all the good stuff that happened for me there. If you didn't read that you can go into the archives and look for "What Can A Writer's Conference Do For You".

Anyway, a couple of my friends from my critique group mentioned they were going to the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) conference in Sept.

I love the conference I normally go to: The Blue Ridge Mountain Writer's Conference. It feels like a family reunion. I couldn't justify spending another five hundred or so on going to a second conference in one year.

But, then our family vacation fell through because of my husband's new job. So, I'm going!!

If you've never been to a writer's conference, just imagine: four days away from kids. You get to be referred to by your name, not mommy, daddy, or that "skinny nurse with the dark hair".

You're surrounded by hudreds of people who are interested in hearing about your long as you will listen about theirs.

You meet some of your favorite authors and they talk to you like a peer.

You meet editors and agents that actually give you their undivided attention (for fifteen minutes of course).

Lots of witty conversations since writers are good with words. That translates into lots of laughing.

You sit in class after class, but its not work, 'cause it's all about writing. And you've just learned something that will take your novel to the next level.

The cost is difficult to justify to my husband and my self. The last money I made from writing was years ago. It would be a whole lot easier if I actually sold my book and could re-invest in my career. But, I've got a spouse who doesn't understand my need to write, or attend conferences, but he does understand "the look" I gave him that told him without words that I need this and will be a much happier person to live with if he doesn't give me a hard time.

So, here I come Nashville! Five of my critique group members are going too. Our group's name is the "Penwrights" but we call ourselves "Pennies".
So, if you're going and see a bunch of girls/ladies with a penny taped to their name tag, you know that's us. Some of us have never met in person so we needed an identifier.

Time to go to work...that's right and give notice. Writing life, here I come again.

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  1. Have fun in Nashville. It is a great city. Plenty of fun. Tons of stuff to see. One of the best places to take in is the Opryland hotel and conference center (that would be cool if that's where your conference is at). Even if you not into country's a site to behold. The Gibson bar downtown is cool too. I'm jealous...been a few years since I have been to Nashville. Have Fun!

  2. Thanks. It will be fun but I can guarantee there will be not time for sightseeing. The conferences are usually jam-packed morning till night. But, I'm not complaining 'cause I'd rather be learning my trade and talking books than almost anything else. But I'll keep those places in mind should I ever get to go just for fun. I appreciate the tips!


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