When I started writing for publication those long eight years ago, I have to laugh at myself. I would send an article out, forget about more than one rewrite. I'd wait a couple of weeks and then start casing the mailbox.
The waiting was torture. And then the form rejection letters would stream in. That was worse.
After maybe six months of rejections, I had a talk with God. Basically I told Him, if you want me to continue, send me some encouragement. After only six months, I prayed this! Naive and impatient little girl.
Anyway, God answered my prayers. Everytime I was ready to concede to failure, I'd get something published or a request to see more, or "write it on spec" or even a contract that would later fall through.
Honestly, everytime I was ready to give up, something would happen to propel me on a little longer.
I still need that kind of encouragement even now. I just don't need it as often.
I find myself praying a similar prayer lately. Please God, let me get a contract.
I know it will happen in His time.
But, the Bible does say you have not because you ask not.
So, for good measure, I'm asking.
Will I give up if my second novel doesn't sell?
If only I could.
I've read over and over that if you can do anything else besides writing--do.
Writing for most is not lucrative. It's lonely. Its strewn with years and years, for most, with rejection and heartache.
I make a good living as a nurse and it's satisfying, but giving up writing would be like cutting off my arm. It would hurt and forever maim me.
I must write. I'm absolutely addicted and I truly do feel it is one of my callings in life. Not my only one, but a major one.
Being a mother is another. A nurse, another. Teaching God's word is another and someday, God willing, I'd love to support an orphanage in a big way. That's my dream if I should find success.
So, while writing isn't my only calling, it is a calling. And you don't just ignore God's call on your life. It only leads to misery.
So, what's your mission?
Why are you on this planet for this very short time?
I'm here to teach God's word and to get the word out that there is a spiritual battle we fight everyday that many don't even think about. God is real. Demons are real. Hell is real and you really don't want to go there.
Speaking of our life's calling. I'm sure almost everyone has heard of "The Purpose Driven Life". If you haven't read it, it's amazing. It could change your life. It certainly has helped me narrow my focus of my personal mission.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
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What's Your Mission?
Thursday, July 28, 2005
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