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Friday, July 29, 2005

Brain Storm Session

I gave notice at the clinic today. My director took my leaving depressingly well. Guess I kinda secretly hoped she'd be mortified. Oh well.

It's Friday again! Hooray. A whole day tomorrow to write.

Well, after I go to DMV and renew my license..but then the rest of the day for my novel.

Only working on my novel on Saturdays is no good I've decided.

Because five to six days go by without me reading/writing or editing this work, I end up spending two hours just rereading what I've written before the current chapter to reacquaint myself with what's going on in the story.

Going back to being able to write on a daily basis will be good, I think.

Two more weeks.

Tonight I'm going to do nothing much except relax and mentally outline what my next chapter ought to be about.

I just found an envelope on my desk with: "next chapter--Val visits Bobbie in the hospital," scribbled on it.

I don't remember why I thought that should come next, but I'm sure I wrote it when I was fresh from writing so I'll trust it.

So Valencia visits her maimed friend. Maybe she brings up God. Probably Bobbie doesn't want to hear it. Or more likely Bobbie is furious with God for letting this happen to her. Maybe she curses him? Maybe Val cries and says "don't say that". Maybe the love interest, Doug comforts Val and they grow closer. Oh yeah, the chaplain maybe shows up and sees Val again. They talk about the demon possessed boy she exorcised but who is now worse than ever. Maybe he offers to go with her to deliver him again. Yes, and this time it works. Cool, another loose end tied up and Val learns what she needs to before she travels to Cyprus to face the main demon antogonist.

But, what about the chapter end hook. I gotta have one. I always have one. Something about missing brother Bailey. A post-card from him? Nah.
Another strange phone call from the mysterious stranger? Yes!
Then, I can begin the new chapter with the stranger hanging up the phone so the reader will know it was him and wonder why he wants Valencia to come there.

Heck, I wanna know why. I feel like I oughta know, but I don't just yet.
That makes me nervous but this book has dictated the storyline to me page one through 200, why keep fighting it?

Well, thanks for the brainstorm session. Mental research over. Time to finish the book I'm reading. "Flabbergasted". Great book so far. Love the guys style.

Keep you posted if I finish Chapter 22 tomorrow like a good girl.

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