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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

"Two Types of Marketers" (Which One Are You?)

Have you heard this?
"There are two types of people--those who come into a room and say, 'Well, here I am,' and those who come in and say, 'Ah, there you are.'"*

The first--Type One- is focused on self. Type Two is other-focused.
I suggest that, as we market our books, we are too often TYPE ONE.

 Not sure? Put the question this way, "Does my marketing feel like I'm trying to shout and get attention in a busy room? Which type do others   perceive me as?" 

Having just put out a new release, my tendency is to be the first type. I want to rush into a room and shout, "Look! My new book is out! Look, look, look!!!" All I'm doing is focusing on me and my work. Despite my natural excitement, that method isn't going to sell many books.

A better alternative, according to Rob Eagar, marketing coach, is to cease trying to sell your book altogether.
You read that right.


But then what, you ask, am I to do? How am I to help move copies as my publisher expects me to? And how will my book sell if I don't market it? 

Become Type Two. Know what you offer and find the readers who need what you've got. Then, let them know how your book meets their need. This is quite different from "selling" to them. Instead, you're helping them discover your benefit to them.

You've heard it before: "Know Thy Reader." If we don't want to come across as the "Here I am," author, it is vitally important that we do.

Rob puts it this way: "Ask yourself, 'Who needs my value (the message of my book) the most?" Conversely, "Who stands to lose the most if they never get (my message)?"** While these questions are especially important for authors of non-fiction, even fiction authors can use these parameters to find their ideal readers. 

For example, my newest release, PULSE, is YA fiction. I could focus my marketing by searching out all the places on the web that YA fiction readers hang out and try to show them how my book fits their dream read. However--that's sort of like walking into the room and shouting, "Here I am! Look at my book!" That would make me a Type One marketer. 

The solution: By asking who needs my book MOST, I found that a small niche of YA readers fit the bill. (Those who want suspense, not just teen angst or romance.) Another niche of readers, preppers, fit the bill. A third niche of readers, patriot gun-totin' types, also fit the bill. So now I have three niches of readers who can benefit from my book, because it is a post-apocalyptic scenario that appeals to all three niches. The YA readers get three teen protagonists to root for, suffer with, and eventually triumph with. The preppers get to see how a family that included prepping in their lifestyle came out way ahead of the general population during a national disaster. The patriot types get to see the same family defend themselves successfully. There is soul-searching and God-discussions to make Christian readers who like this sort of stuff happy. 

The bottom line is that people in these niches don't just like such books. They LOVE 'em. Using Twitter as an example, I can tiptoe into the room and show my readers that I'm one of them. When I send out a tweet to the first niche, I use the #YA #Suspense #Christian #Fiction hashtags. Same for my posts on Goodreads. When I want to show the second niche what they're missing, I send out tweets with #Prepper #Fiction #Apocalypse #YA in them. For the third niche, I send out #Patriot #Gunrights #Fiction #YA. But using these hashtags alone isn't enough. I wrote out a list of twenty to thirty tweets to use for each individual niche of readers. In each tweet, I show them a benefit to reading the book. A benefit that appeals to THEM. 

I'll share three of my tweets, teasers, one for each niche, so you get what I mean. 

For YA Suspense fans: 
Feeling safe in your apartment building? So did 16 y.o. Sarah--until it happened. #YA #Suspense #Fiction #Christian    (Link to the Amazon book page.)

For Preppers:
"Opening a #storage bucket, I got hit with a reality check--if not for these, we'd face hunger." #Prepper  #Apocalyptic #Book

For Patriots:
"I'd enjoyed #shooting as a sport--but would we really need our #firearms to save our lives?" #Patriot #gunrights

Teasers are only effective if they hit the "tickle" spot for the niche you're trying to reach. Readers of YA Suspense love an element of danger, so I include that in my tweets. (The book oozes with it. Don't make promises in a teaser that your book won't meet.) For the preppers, the book affirms their world-view. (SOMETHING is gonna go down, sooner or later, and you'd better be ready!) For the patriots, the same holds true. (They just KNOW that the proper use of firearms is one day going to save their lives and maybe the lives of their families.) For each of these groups, there is affirmation in store when they read PULSE.

How do I know this? Because I'm a YA reading, hobby prepper, licensed carrier of a gun! (Gasp! Yes, me. It's my alter-ego to the sweet historical romance writer.) 
I KNOW my audience. I can walk into a room and say, "Ah, there you are." 

Now. Can you do the same?  

*Quote by Frederick Collins
**From, Sell Your Book Like Wildfire, by Rob Eagar

Linore Rose Burkard is best known for writing Inspirational Romance. As L.R. Burkard  she writes YA Suspense, and is working on the sequel to PULSE, Book One in the PULSE EFFEX SERIES. Find out: Can an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) really happen? Linore talks about it over at the website companion to PULSE. Click menu option: INFO.  


  1. Great Twitter teasers, Linore, and I'm a tough nut to crack in the marketing department. I would totally bite. Welcome aboard btw!

  2. Linore, this is great information! I haven't thought about tweeting, Google+ing, etc, that way! I know my readers, but don't use those. Today, I'm sitting down and finding some of the hashtags of my reader target! Thank you!

  3. Thank you Gina. (It's always good to know if you can crack a tough nut.) :) And thank you too, Anne. It really is a great way to find your audience. I started my Tweet campaign at #225,000+ on Amazon's ranking and saw it drop to #27,000. Still have distance to travel, but being consistent is key. Twitter is most effective in the evening, by the way.
    PS to Gina: LOVED Crossing Oceans!

  4. Thank you for your post. Marketing is somewhat mysterious to me and I remember someone saying no one would find our books just because we wrote them. For a hefty price he was willing to help my book get noticed, but I couldn't go that route. It's good to get more insights from those who are reaching readers. I'm 'missional' in my writing, so I need to practice this. Thank you.

  5. Glad to help, Margery. And I'm glad you avoided that hefty price. (Sometimes it's only paying someone else to do what you can be doing.) I wish you all the best with your marketing!


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