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Author Connie Almony |
Hi, my name is Connie Almony and I am a creative
problem solver. If you give me a problem that should be solved, I will shake
inside until it is. That’s just how my brain works, and THAT’s why I created
the Indie
Christian Fiction Search site—Ickfuss (ICFS) to its
friends. I saw a problem and I had to solve it.
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Indie Christian Fiction Search Site |
Problem …
was the problem, you ask? Well, there were a few.
1) Avid readers needed to find loads of books that
would feed their insatiable need and target their interests, all without
breaking the bank.
2) Christian readers needed to find a greater
breadth of story, not often available through traditionally published books,
while being within a biblical framework.
3) Christian readers needed extra information—that
which is often missing from online retailers—before making the decision to buy.
4) Readers needed a way to search through lots of
material that is easy, non-cumbersome and directs them right to books that
interest them through search criteria and scrolling mechanisms that allow the
reader to sift quickly through blurb excerpts.
Why were these my problems to solve? Well, because I
knew it could be done, and yet no one was doing it.
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Magazine View |
The Focus …
Why focus on indie fiction, you ask? … (Sigh) … My, but you’re an inquisitive
I haven’t always been an ardent supporter of indie
fiction. I believe an author is well served when many eyes see her work before
it is published. I also believe any product is best when it is formed by a
group of people using their unique gifts (ie. The Body of Christ). So Indie
always looked like someone who just didn’t want to play by the rules. (God
often humbles me when I get too opinionated). I worried the work would suffer
for it. But then the new era of indie
publishing steam-rolled into being. A world of critique partners, beta
readers, freelance editors and cover artists, Facebook writers’ groups, search
engines and social media platforms. Not to mention the low cost (I mean, how
much lower than $0 can you get) of uploading your ebook to an online retailer.
All these factors increased the ability to create a better quality book with a
smaller investment.
The game has changed, and so has the breadth and
quality of fiction.
I didn’t mean to be an indie author myself. I sort
of got conned into it by my critique partner, Mildred Colvin, and discovered
there is a world of fiction out there that is feeding a need not met by the
traditional houses. I have found a plethora of Christian fiction which has been
deemed unsellable by publishers for a variety of reasons, be they time period
(medieval), character choices (Viking, pirate, multi-cultural), settings
(universities, cities, space) or subject matter (mistresses, drug addiction),
and discovered worlds like the one in which I live, replete with sinners in
need of a Savior.
Additionally, I discovered that many of my favorite authors,
when given the chance to write from their hearts instead of a marketing team’s
idea of what “the public” wants, are EVEN BETTER when writing this way. Yes,
you read that right—EVEN BETTER. And as an avid reader, indie fiction is a lot
less traumatic to my credit card.
of Writing or Marketing Guts?
So what’s not to like?
I’ll tell you what: many are concerned that because indie authors have not been vetted by
the process of acquiring an agent or catching the eye of an editor, their work
is not as good. The truth is I STILL suggest authors go through this
process and hone their craft, before making the jump. But there is a point
where the author realizes it’s not the craft, but the perception of the general
marketplace that is holding him back from publication. Yes, it is nice to have
someone “important” like you, but just because that someone doesn’t like you,
doesn’t mean the rest of the world must ignore you as well.
Many novels are
rejected because the theme of their work has not been tested in the
marketplace. However, in these tough times of the publishing industry it is
likely nothing new will be tested until someone has the guts to do so.
Therefore, lots of extraordinary ideas fall by the wayside.
Not with indie!
indie publishing the READER is the gatekeeper, not the
executive, nor the marketing team—honest-to-goodness readers who have a love
for the written word, and a great story, just like you do. Independent authors
often offer early books cheap (and even free) so YOU, the reader, can get a
sense of who they are and what they write. Then YOU can decide whether or not
you want to continue reading them.
It’s just a matter of finding this new breed of
Through the Muck …
there is another problem. Traditional Christian publishing didn’t just vet for
quality, it also vetted for biblical content. If
you’ve ever gone “church shopping” in a very secular area (as I have) and
you’ve seen the variety of agendas that come from groups that label themselves
“Christian,” you will know not all people wearing that moniker promote the same
sort of faith. In fact, in one of our independent author Facebook discussions,
one of our members found a “Christian” group writing very decadent—and
painful—forms of erotica.
In these gate-keeper-less times, someone needs to
step up and help us wade through the muck. Indie Christian
Fiction Search (ICFS) is designed, asking the author
to ensure a level of standard outlined in its Statement
of Faith and Content
guidelines, while informing the reader so he or she can make a
decision as to whether or not the book is right for them. I also hope readers
will return to ICFS
to comment on books they found either exceptionally inspiring or not quite
their cup of tea—respectfully, of course. Again, the reader is King here!
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Sidebar View |
the Right Books for You…
So now readers will have access to information on a
larger breadth of biblically-centered fiction in one place. The next trick is how to search through all
the titles to find the one for you.
This is the fun part!
I had a vision from God. Or at least, my mind kept
playing images of an old template I’d used for my blog and the many “views” it
allowed that would make a quick search of a large amount of material very easy.
So I decided to try it out by posting a bunch of friends’ books to the site.
I’d been pondering how to do this because, frankly, I find most book retailer
sites cumbersome and less fine-tuned to my needs, requiring lots of clicks into
things I eventually have no use for. The largest online book retailer comes
close, but does not allow for a page full of blurbs under search criteria ready
to be scanned. It only gives a page of book titles, cover art and price. With Indie Christian
Fiction Search (ICFS), you can plug in search criteria
and watch the cover art float across the page.
Then you can change the “view” of the site and
scroll through book blurbs selected by genre or search criteria and pick
through the ones that look good to you. There are a number of ways to do this.
It’s just a matter of finding the one view that works best for you.
So if you are an independent Christian fiction
author and would like to have your novel listed on Indie Christian
Fiction Search (ICFS), please enter the site, read
through the Statement
of Faith and Author
Guidelines, and if it’s a good fit—submit. Please review the
guidelines each time, as they may change. I will be adjusting things to
streamline the site’s functionality.
If you are a READER, looking for something
reasonably priced and potentially unique, please check out the “How
to Use This Site” page and see how much fun a book
search can be. Try out all the views and feel free to tell me what works best
for you. Indie
Christian Fiction Search (ICFS) will be growing vastly over
the next few months so make sure you drop by again. There is also a newsletter
you can sign up for that will include links to new titles, and hot-picks,
keeping you regularly informed of the latest in indie Christian fiction. I
promise, it will not be sent out more often than quarterly. And don’t forget to
come back and let us know what you think about the books you read.
YOU are the gatekeeper. YOU have the power. Use it wisely ;o).
Sign up for the newsletter NOW and be entered to win
a $20 Amazon gift card. The winner will be notified on November 1, 2014. Here is the link.
About the Author:
Connie Almony is
trained as a mental health therapist and likes to mix a little fun with the
serious stuff of life. She was a 2012 semi-finalist in the Genesis Contest for
Women’s Fiction and was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Winter 2012 WOW
Flash Fiction Contest. Her newest
release, At
the Edge of a Dark Forest, is a modern-day re-telling of Beauty
and the Beast about a war-vet, amputee struggling with PTSD.
You can find Connie
on the web at ConnieAlmony.com, writing book reviews for Jesus Freak Hideout, and hosting the following blogs:
InfiniteCharacters.com, IndieChristianFictionSearch.Blogspot.com, and LivingtheBodyofChrist.Blogspot.com.
You can also meet
her on the following social media outlets:
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At the Edge of a Dark Forest on Amazon |
Carly Rose contracts to live with Cole and train him to use his new prosthetics, only to discover his dark world of alcoholism and PTSD. Can Carly help him fight this war and discover the man he is destined to become?
At the Edge of a Dark Forest is a modern-day retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Only it is not her love that will make him whole.
Contemporary Christian Romance.
Connie, indie authors are so thankful you have taken time to put this amazing site together. Now, when people say, "I don't know how to find good indie fiction," we have a place to point them. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteIt was lots of fun creating the site. I LOVE the template. I could enter search words all day just to watch the little covers drift across the page. I hope people will check out all the different views to see what is easiest for them. Thanks for having me on NR today!!!
DeleteConnie, I really appreciate all you're doing to promote "us" Indie authors! What a blessing.
ReplyDeleteTweeted & shared!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Caroling, for your support!!!
DeleteAwesome Connie! Yes, there are still low-quality indie books out there. There always will be, because some view it as an "easier" way to get published. It's not easier by any stretch. It just mean you have to take control. You no longer have industry experts to do your editing, cover design, etc. Like you said, though, all that work can be hired out. Many for-hire editors were once editors in traditional houses. A good indie writer will understand that the investment in good editing and cover design is a necessary part of being one's own publisher. Traditional publishers take the risk with up-front costs. Indie writers must be willing to do the same. Thanks for the website! Can't wait to see my books there!
ReplyDeleteYes, Ron, you are correct! And the truth is that indie is not going away. That means four things: 1) There are lots of great opportunities for authors to write a greater breadth of material; 2) Readers have access to a greater breadth of material; 3) The reader is the new gatekeeper, AND 4) The reader will eventually evolve, no longer relying on the publisher to discover new material. I could write a whole other post on what the reader can and should do to help them find books they like. It’s very different from the past where he or she wades through pages of catalogues, and yet we can find out so much more BEFORE we purchase than at any other time in history. As authors and readers adjust to this new paradigm, some authors will discover their sales do not warrant continued efforts at writing. The cream will still rise to the top. It’s just that the READER will be the one to sift it!
DeleteGreat idea. Great site.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Nicole.
DeleteConnie, this is such a great idea. Thanks for turning it into a reality.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Janet. My pleasure :o)!
DeleteConnie, this is a great idea. Not only do I have a place to search for Christian fiction, I hope to have my upcoming novel there someday!
ReplyDeleteGreat, Joan! I'll be looking for you.