To celebrate my birthday this year (43 if you must know
) I’ve decided to give away some books!
Purchase a copy of Wings of Glass, (online or in person)on JULY 30th(my birthday) and I will mail you one of the following (your choice):
1. Autographed copy of Dry as Rain
2. Autographed copy of Crossing Oceans
3. Copy of Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend
4. Autographed copy of Wings of Glass
2. Autographed copy of Crossing Oceans
3. Copy of Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend
4. Autographed copy of Wings of Glass
Once you’ve purchased Wings of Glass, email me a copy of the receipt along with your address. Indicate your preference of which of the above books you prefer.
That’s it! My email is rnglh1 at yahoo (dot com)
(Due to cost of mailing, you must live in the continental US)
Happy birthday.