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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Saturday, July 09, 2011

The One Novel That Makes You Want to Quit Writing

I've read a few incredible novels in my life but only one that I'd call perfectly written. That book was Memoirs of a Geisha. Every word was there for a reason, to paint a vivd image of a life I felt I lived while I turned the pages.

While the moral premise of the book wasn't to my tastes, the writing certainly was.

It was the only book to date, that I've read, closed the pages, and said, "I wouldn't change a word."

What ONE novel have you read have you felt the same about?

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  1. I'm fairly generous when it comes to authors of books I think are exceptional. I loved The Passion of Mary-Margaret by Lisa Samson. I loved Secrets and Unforgotten by Kristen Heitzmann. Crossing Oceans was painful but well-written. I guess if I truly love the novel I figure that's enough. Who am I to say this or that should've happened? I don't want others to do that with mine--but of course they will.

  2. Well, not sure I wouldn't change "anything," but I dearly love the book Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. And Stephen King's The Stand is certainly a masterpiece on many levels.

    Finally, the book that has most vividly remained with me is Riven, written by Jerry B. Jenkins. Yeah he's my boss, but this is a great book. From characterization to conflict to plot to theme to setting to the pure magic of the way the words are strung together... Feel the same way about all the other books I've mentioned.

  3. Hmm - kind of hard to say but Leif Enger's Peace like a River probably is one, and Athol Dickson's upcoming The Opposite of Art. Also a YA novel that I loved -The Book Theif by Markus Zusak

  4. Some good books mentioned. Peace Like a River was excellent and one of my all time favorites, as was Secret Life of Bees but there were words, things I would have done differently, as with my own novel, but not Memoirs. I would have thought perfection was unattainable, and happily so, had I not read that book.

    Thanks for the great responses.

  5. Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove.

  6. Emily, I loved Talking to the Dead! Great book!

  7. Ohhh. Great topic! Memoirs of a Geisha is an EXCELLENT BOOK! Another book that I simply LOVED is Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides(sp?). I read this book years BEFORE OPRAH CHOSE IT! I still think about the struggles of Cal/Calliope to this day. Tough subject matter - great novel! :-)

  8. Ane gushed about Talking to the Dead. It's been on my tbr pile since it's release, I'll add Middlesex too! Thanks for your comments everyone!

  9. Thank you so much for posting this, Gina. To say that "Memoirs of a Geisha" is a classic would be an understatement. The movie came out at the time I began my novel which will be released in Dec. It is what inspired the way I structured the beginning. Through the years and the confusion of opinions and edits, your post was a gift reminding me of my novel's beginning.

    Ruthie Lewis
    Author of "Fireflies"


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