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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Boots on the Ground by DiAnn Mills

I’m proud to be a member of Houston FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association. In May we traveled to Washington DC for a tour of the FBI Washington Headquarters and the FBI Training Academy at Quantico. What a fabulous inside scoop on counterterrorism, gang related crimes, behavioral science, and so much more including the intense training for not only FBI special agents but law enforcement groups from around the world.

Exciting and thrilling didn’t begin to describe the

I’m indebted to the FBICA volunteers and FBI personnel who made the trip informative with often sobering insights into what can happen if crime is not stopped and prevented. Awareness is the key for all citizens.

We heard impressive presentations at FBI Headquarters.

How amazing to have lunch in the FBI Cafeteria! Oddly enough, the men and women all looked normal, but they are super heroes! Afterward, we toured exhibits of FBI history. We saw former Director J. Edgar Hoover’s desk and viewed a demonstration by FBI sharpshooters. I don’t know how much practice it takes to shoot with that accuracy!

In addition to the incredible experience, I found my suspense writing would now take a higher level of credibility. A hitch in the trip was my endeavor to finish edits on a current novel. My editor wanted to know specifically how my bad guy was laundering money. You guessed it! One of the workshops at the FBI Headquarters focused on money laundering.

The next day, we rode a comfy bus to the FBI Training Academy at Quantico, VA. Our tour guide entertained us with his wit, incredible sense of humor, and vast historical knowledge of the FBI and its workings. He was onsite during the filming of Silence of the Lambs with Jodie Foster and explained a few scenes that weren’t accurate FBI protocol. The spookiest presentation was given by the Director of Behavioral Science. He showed us art created by serial killers while incarcerated, including self portraits. More like scenes from a horror movie.

That's my mean look.

Story ideas bannered across my mind when we visited the Hostage Rescue Unit, Tactical Firearms Training Center, and Hogan’s Alley. I didn’t want to leave. For sure if I had a chance to do it all over again, I would have been an FBI special agent. Oh, the writing would be so much easier. 

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She currently has more than fifty-five books published. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne
Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers; the 2014 president of the Romance Writers of America’s Faith, Hope, & Love chapter; and a member of Inspirational Writers Alive, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and International Thriller Writers. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country.
DiAnn is also a craftsman mentor for the Jerry B. Jenkins
Christian Writers Guild.
She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas. Visit her website at and connect with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@DiAnnMills), Pinterest (, and Goodreads (


  1. What a tremendous adventure, DiAnn! Your writing was already fabulous, but I know this will spark a lot of great ideas for us to read in the future.

    1. Thanks so much. How grand to love your calling and yet face the challenges of making it the best possible.

  2. Too cool, DiAnn! Loved this. Wish I coulda been there. ;)

  3. I enjoyed your quick presentation during your character development classes at BRMCWC of the details of this FBI trip. Research--it's great stuff!

    1. And I enjoyed meeting with you and reading your story.

  4. Thanks for sharing your research trip. It is always so much help to have that kind of hands-on experience. I'd love to do the academy some time. I learned so much riding patrol with police officers, but I know that was practically nothing compared to what you learned during this trip.

    1. Oh, I think learning from police officers is great stuff.

  5. What an exciting trip. My husband loves the behavioural sciences. Last year he got to attend a weeks seminar for his work and came home talking nonstop about everything he had learned.

  6. Very cool experience, that cup would look outstanding on my desk.

    1. It gets filled with coffee every morning. :)

  7. Nope, sorry, DiAnn. Your "mean" look doesn't work. LOL You're still nice. And I'll fight Neil for the cup. ;o)

  8. I love that "mean" look too! Sounds like a fun adventure.

  9. Very fascinating! It's amazing how seeing something in person can change your perspective and give you all kinds of knowledge and ideas :)

    1. Far more than I'll ever be able to write. Then again, some are just special to me. :)


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