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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

If only . . .

by Nicole Petrino-Salter

These two words so often precede a quest. If only . . . I had more money, I could . . . If only . . . I could find the right person, I'd be . . . If only he would stop . . . I know I'd . . . If only . . .

In writing literature we face these possibilities and more. How much yearning should our characters, particularly the hero/heroine or villains/antagonists, possess? How much should the story be based on an "if only" concept?

Is this a question that should be considered when writing a novel? If so, should it be definitively answered?

Christian fiction separates itself by injecting faith issues into quests, hopes, dreams, and results. Generally accepted among professionals concerning most fiction writing is the more organic the elements of faith occur, the less preachy these factors are presented, the better. To secular readers a passing mention of prayer can be religious overkill, and to mention God or Jesus can bring unlimited one-star reviews on Amazon. If a believer attempts the crossover journey with his writing, he must be prepared to go covert or potentially suffer the consequences. If only . . . readers would read with an open mind/heart, it would be so much better . . .

If only . . . Do you use an "if only"?

Nicole Petrino-Salter writes love stories with a passion. She resides with her family just south of Seattle in Auburn. Devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ, family, friends, and pets, she spends most of her time in la la land. You can visit her hereRaw Romantic Redemptive



  1. Not as much as when I was younger. I've learned it doesn't serve me any good. If I made a big mistake, I hope to learn from it and not repeat it. :)


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