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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Christy Winner ~ Cathy Gohlke

This is one of my favorite interviews beacuse it's so fun. And funny. And, I believe, the first one we did. You learn as you go.

You'll hear our camerawoman, Nora, giving directions. She comes by it naturally, since her husband has been a professional actor and director.

Gina is her lively, quirky self in this one, asking good questions and making funny remarks. I want to be like her when I grow up. Of course, Nora's camera work is a hoot in itself, especially the end. Love that mosaic.

Thanks, Cathy, for being such a good interviewee. Her Christy is for her debut novel:

William Henry Is a Fine Name.

Hope you enjoy the vodcast. We've had fun bringing them to you. And come back tomorrow to see who's next.


  1. Enjoyed it. Cathy seems like a great person! Congrats, Cathy, on your Christy!

  2. LOL - an emmy? Well, that's better than the medical procedure that's close in name. LOL

  3. Thanks Kristy. Cathy was delightful.

    Ane: You do know it's not an emmema, right?

  4. Cathy is so dear - if she continues to invest her real-life personality into her books, they will all be successful!


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