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Monday, September 25, 2006

ACFW Conference Notes Part I

Hi everyone! My apologies for not blogging from the conference as I said I would. Ane and I just couldn't do it. For one we were seriously sleep deprived, getting about two hours a night of slumber. We were goofy tired the whole time so we weren't very coherent.

But that wasn't the main reason we didn't blog from the conference. We have spent the last two to four years in on-line critique groups. Ane pulled me from the one she was in because she saw talent and the willingness to learn and apply what I was taught. I saw that in others and so on. Over the years we've pulled together a critique group of talented folks who actually use what we teach them and at least try not to argue. This group has become more than just writing partners, we've become prayer partners, shoulders to cry on, encouragers and some of the best-friends in my life.

It's an odd thing to call people you've never met close friends but most if not all of you will know what I'm talking about. So, to have the rare opportunity to touch these people, look into their eyes, share a glance and that sort of thing was something that Ane and I held on to and didn't want to let go. Not even to blog.

There is so much to share as usual from this amazing conference. One of the highlights was sitting in Mary DeMuth's class. I thought I knew Mary from our on-line relationship. I like Mary in cyberspace. I love Mary in person. Her sweet heart and hunger to serve God in an authentic way was awesome. She made me cry and made me think and made me want to go home and pour my soul out onto a piece of paper, without worrying about "pimping my soul" but as a sacrifice to my Lord. Thank you Mary.

I got to spend some time chatting with Brandilyn Collins who I know online and have met in person but I saw a side of her that touched me and inspired me. Most of you know she has the Scenes and Beans blog which is a clever publicity tool to promote her Kanner Lake series. Her bloggers, me included, knew she would promote us to the editors/agents we met with, but she went above and beyond, chiming in when a blogger was standing with an editor and really talking up that writer's talent. She didn't have to do that of course. She did it because it came natural to edify others. That's what I love about Christian writer's conferences and ACFW in general.

It's like a candidate for congress bringing their competition around a fundraising party and asking everyone to vote for THEM. That's what these authors do. They are (as my buddy Alton Gansky says) raising up their competition. All for the glory of God.


I have much more to say of course. And though it's embarrassing, I want to share with you how God dealt with my pride issue, because I'm guessing I'm not the only one who struggles with this.

The picture at the top of this post is me and Ane of course, and our friend "S. Dionne Moore" (aka Sandra) a critique partner of ours and a dear friend. (Her cozy mystery will be coming out with Barbour soon. We'll be interviewing her, so you'll get a chance to get to know her more.)

Our friend and critique partner, Mike Duran of has signed with agent, Janet Kobobel Grant. Janet is an awesome agent and Mike is blessed to get her but she is just as blessed because Mike is ridiculously talented, really fun to hang out with, has the heart of servant and a passion for the Lord. Congratulations to Janet and Mike for finding each other!

Another highlight was meeting Faith In Fiction's, Dave Long. He's even cooler than I thought he'd be. I actually sat down with him and pitched my story, which is always nerve-wracking. I always try to look and seem professional but I felt so comfortable I may have even said "dude" in my pitch.

I also got to sit down with my friend Claudia Mair Burney (Murder, Mayhem and a Fine Man). This woman is an angel online. She takes down her mask in her writing in a way I aspire to. We hugged and talked and shared with each other how we've been blessed by one another. She's so special that my words are inadequate.

I also had opportunity to hang out with the folks from The Master's Artists. How cool am I? They made me feel like family. We ribbed each other and laughed a lot. Phenominal group!

Dee Stewart and I spent a lot of time together praying, listening to each other, crying and brainstorming story ideas. She's another one I really liked online but I love in person. A very talented, very sweet lady.

Yet another highlight was hanging out with my conference mentee, David Gregory (Dinner with a Perfect Stranger). He's a best-selling author but as humble as can be. He was such a joy to get to know and I was honored beyond words that he let me show him around a little.

Stay tuned, we have so much to share and lots more pics.


  1. Yes, please do share more about what you learned at the conference, etc.

  2. Kristy, I missed you this year.

  3. Oops, it did read that way I guess. I changed "drunk tired" to goofy tired. For the record we may have acted drunk but were not. We just naturally slur our speach and bump into walls.

  4. Jealous, jealous, jealous. Thanks, though, for letting us share in the experience vicariously.

  5. Uh oh, was I NOT supposed to call Dave Long dude? The writers conference was my first-ever. Frankly, all the cheer and good will made me wonder whether the well-worn “writers are weird” adage, isn’t a bit off. Not saying we don't have our share of anomalies (see Snyder), but that my overall impression was of a community of deeply thoughtful, friendly people, rather than a bunch of cold, aloof nutcases.

    Ditto your comments about Mary DeMuth's class, Gina. Mary's got a message I think every Christian author should contemplate. And Liz Curtis Higgs' sessions were terrific. Frankly, I wasn't sure I'd connect with her, but she's very funny, disarming and has a huge heart. My only regret is that I didn't give her a big hug. The gals in my crit group are the best. Janet, Kelly, Michelle, Terri, Reni and Sandra -- you rock! I had a terrific time meeting Jeanne Damoff, Deb Gyapong, Mark Bertrand, Suzan Robertson and Becky Miller. What wonderful people you are! Mike Snyder may be the friendliest, most accessible guy in the world. I couldn't stand next to Ane Mulligan without getting all weepy. Thanks Ane, for all your help! And finally, Gina, bless you for all the hard work you're doing to promote Christian authors. I had a blast because of y'all.

  6. Thanks for the insider's look! I hope to join you all next time.

  7. Thanks for the kind comments about the workshop. It truly was a blessing to be able to speak and feel like Jesus was working through me. In France things are so hard, I seldom see fruit, so it was especially meaningful for me to see some tangible fruit so quickly. Blessings to you all!

    And, yeah, Gina is a HOTTIE!

  8. Sounds like a good time was had by all. :)


  9. Dear Gina,
    So glad I got a chance to meet you at ACFW. My only regret is that I didn't get an opportunity to talk with you at great length.

    I'm still floating on the grace Mary, Lisa and Liz poured out in their sessions. What a conference.

    And it was so good to meet all of you.



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