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Saturday, December 17, 2005

S'up Saturday

Contest reminder:

To be entered to win one of two free, autographed Dark Star novels by Creston Mapes, leave a comment under the book review or this post. Thanks to Creston for the generous offer.
Next week's author interviews: Peggy Darty, Athol Dickson, Jill Nelson & Jill Stengl.

In the works: Frank Peretti, Robert Whitlow, Karen Kingsbury, Agent/author Janet Benrey, Ron Benrey, editor/author Terry Whalin, Ray Blackston, James Scott Bell and many others...

Most of us know that this time of year if we have manuscripts or proposals before editors or agents that they're probably going to be sitting there until the first of the year. Because of the holidays, we can actually call it Christmas on my site, things slow to a near stop in publishingville.

Come the end of January, I fully expect to start hearing from some of you on the good news and contracts you are receiving. I, of course, hope I'm among you. I have quite a bit of interest in both of my manuscripts and I'm not the slightest bit shy about getting my stuff out there. Heck, I don't even take rejection as rejection.

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  1. Good for you girl! It will all come in the Lord's timing. Remember, He's never early and never late.

    I think you are doing the Lord's work here. I don't know of any other site, where I can constantly see Christian authors being showcased.

    Think about it. I know you want to be published, we all do, but if you got involved in that kind of schedule right now, how much of this would have to go by the wayside?

    You do good!!:-)

  2. I'd love to win it, Gina! But most of all, I love your blog. Like Bonnie said, you sure have done a good thing here.

  3. Thanks Bonnie, you're a sweetheart!
    I do think God has blessed this site. I keep thinking how the heck did this happen? But, God's like that. His plans are always better than our own.

    I think even after I'm contracted I'll be able to keep Novel Journey going. I just would have to share the workload a bit more. But, the body of Christ jumps right in when needed. I asked for reviewers, I got em. I asked for articles, got em. That's one thing that I really love about our huge family!

  4. Oops, Ane your post and mine must've went up same time so I didn't thank you, but thank you.

    Hey all, this awesome novelist (above) secured me the extra sweet interview with James Scott Bell.
    She's the next Deborah Raney well sort of. Ane's novels have wacky antagonists that are wonderfully weird and really make the books stand out.

    Watch her. An agent and publisher are going to snap her up any day. She's GOOD!

  5. Hey Gina, I don't make it here as much as I would like... and post less then I actually read... But I just wanted to say I think what you are doing here is really cool.

    As to hearing back from publishers and agents... they must be emptying their inboxes before christmas, I've heard of 8 rejections and three requests just in this past week.

    oh... I moved my blog to blogger... so if you could update your link? thanks. ;-)

  6. Oh man, I thought at first you were saying YOU had 8 rejections this past week! I've got tough skin but that might send me over the edge. Hmm. Maybe we will get news before the new year? huh. Doubt I will, as they've all told me I wouldn't.

    I'll update the link early next week. Thanks Heather.

  7. LOL Um no... have to have something submitted before you can get a rejection... or so I'm told. LOL And before Robin Miller comes over here and yells at me... I'm submitting this year. LOL

  8. I always enjoy reading what's up here, and I know it must not be easy keeping it up. Looking forward to the interview of James Scott Bell. He's been a favorite author of mine for awhile. If any of you haven't read his stuff, check it out.

  9. Heather, something THIS year as in the next few days? Can't win it if you ain't in it, just like the lottery. Get that stuff out there.

    Thanks CJ!

  10. Methinks 2006 will be a foin, foin year for for ye, Gina me lass. A contract be comin' for ye; aye, I can feel it in me bones.

    And no, I don't have any particularly good reason for writing this as a pirate.

  11. Captain Feathersword, is that you?
    Thanks for the encouragement me hardy!

  12. I'm praying for good news for YOU, Gina, in 2006!

    (Well, and me, too. I can't deny my selfish side wants that $200 espresso maker if I get a book contract.)



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