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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Book Review: Creston Mapes' Dark Star by Gina Holmes

Dark Star: Redemption, Consequences and the Power of Prayer.

. Dark Star
. Creston Mapes
· Paperback: 400 pages
·Publisher: Multnomah

·ISBN: 1590524721

Book Description

“Can Fame, Wealth, and Power Buy Happiness? Everett Lester and his band, DeathStroke, ride the crest of a wave to superstardom. But the deeper they become immersed in fame, wealth, and power, the more likely they are to be swallowed alive by the drugs, alcohol, and discontentment that have become their only friends. Everett is headed down a perilous road of no apparent return when he's charged with the murder of his personal psychic. The only hope he can cling to comes from Topeka , Kansas , and the letters written by a prayerful young lady who lives there. Consistent and persistent, the notes cut straight to Everett 's empty heart, offering a fulfillment he's never grasped before. But what if he's found guilty of murder? Will he recognize the spiritual battle that's raging for his soul?”

Dark Star is a story about sin, consequences and the power of love. God’s love, a friend’s love, and romantic love.

I expected a third person account of an out of control rock star told in chronological order with a conversion story near the end.

What Mapes delivers is a unique story told largely in flashbacks, first person, mixing past and present.

This is an overtly Christian novel. The reader is not left guessing if the guitar was a symbol representing idolatry. The plan of salvation is laid out, along with lots of prayer and Biblical teaching.

Rock star Everett Lester is the poster child for the out of control, self-serving rock star. He is a playboy, drug addict and God mocker. But, Everett doesn’t stand a chance with the prayers of one young lady burdened for him.

When Everett’s scales of deception begin falling from his eyes, what he sees around him is pure evil. As Lester begins to change from the inside out, his personal psychic and mentor, Endora Crystal, will stop at nothing to keep him from the lamb.

Lester finds himself on trial for her murder. The book takes us back and forth, from the current day trial, to Lester’s past that brought him to that point.

Author Creston Mapes introduces us to quirky characters such as Zane Bender, Ricky Crazee, and others. He has an unnerving, and fantastic, way of setting up the most peaceful of scenes, then shocking the reader out of tranquility.

I thought the ending was a bit tidy, but overall the book was entertaining and ministering. I caught myself praying for some of the characters before realizing what I was doing.

I’d recommend this book to Christians who’ve come from a sordid background, those who think they know someone beyond redemption, and as a gift to friends and family members who are seeking truth.

I think this book would probably not be well received by non-Christians who are not searching.

Creston Mapes is a down to earth storyteller, able to show the power of prayer and the endlessness of God’s forgiveness and love.

Dark Star is worth checking out.

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  1. I was net surfing and heard the words "sordid background", so I came rushing over, Gina. So are you finally gonna break out your Def Leppard spandex and glitter? You know, get back to your roots. I love the cover of this book and the premise is very unique. Mapes' website also has lots of stuff on it. Worth checking out. Thanks, Gina. Now I'm off to Ozzfest...

  2. All right, I MAY have listened to a Def Leppard song or two but never, NEVER, wore spandex or glitter. What can I say? I'm just a crazy little woman in a one man show...

  3. OOPS: Forgot to add a disclosure:

    If you've already won Dark Star through Creston's site, you will not be eligible to win again.


  4. I haven't had a chance to read this one yet, but have it on my wish list at Amazon.

    I loved the Ted Dekker interview, and am anxious to see what other authors you have lined up!


  5. This sounds like an interesting book. I will be sure to check it out. Thanks for the detailed review.

  6. I did a review on this for Christian Fiction Blog Tours. It's a great book and Creston writes very smoothly. I like how you can distinguish the past from the present easily.

  7. He did do a great job with this. I've never read a book that was pulled off this way. I should have also recommended writers read it for technique. It was really a good way!

  8. Cara, I believe you won a book last week. If you see this please email me. Thanks!

  9. Hope it's not too late to enter. Sounds like a fascinating novel and one I'd love to get my hands on and review. :)

  10. Plenty of time to enter. The winner will be announced Monday.

  11. Gina, I have Def Leppard's autographs (the original lineup) that I thought about selling on ebay. But according to Mikey D., maybe I could make more by offering them to you. So let the bidding begin (your opening bid can be stuffing my name in the ballot box for the free book!)

  12. Duran paints a very selective picture. Sorry M.S. I'm not a Def Leppard fan. (No offense Mr. Leppard, just not my thing.) You're better off on e-bay. I'll enter your name with the understanding that I expect NOTHING in that clear?
    Should said autographs show up in my mailbox you will be receiving in return Dion Warwick's greatest hits. You do know the way to San Jose, don't you?

  13. Thanks very supporting my work, everyone. And Gina, as always, thanks for all you're doing to promote good fiction. Merry Christmas all. Creston

  14. Count me entered please. This book sounds too interesting to pass up. Thanks Gina!

  15. Okay, alright, calm down. Just put the Dionne tape down and back away slowly...

  16. I already have this book obviously, so don't enter my name into the draw. :-)

    I loved the unique way this book was written. It also challenged me to listen to God's promptings more in my prayer life.

    Excellent job, Creston!

    Great review, Gina.

  17. Pick me, Pick me.

  18. This sounds like a very interesting book. It sounds like a twist on the usual rock star themes, as well as being an unconventional redemption story.


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