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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Monday, May 29, 2017

What to Do When Your Publisher Ends Your Line

by Patty Smith-Hall

Last week, I received the news that every writer dreads hearing. After ten years and hundreds of wonderful books, Harlequin cut the Love Inspired Historical line. In one brief email, forty-eight spots for historical romance vanished. Veteran authors were suddenly without a home for their books. Talented editors were left unemployed. Worst of all, dedicated readers were left shocked at the demise of a line that was like a member of their family.

It was quite personal for me. For most of my writing journey, writing for Love Inspired Historical was my dream job that became a wonderful reality. I wrote five books for them and had hopes of writing more. After the initial shock wore off, I was left with one question.

Where do I go from here? After a week of prayer and reflection, I've come up with four things to do when your publisher closes down your line.

1) Mourn.

After the news broke about LIH, one of the authors said it felt like a death in the family, and she's right. For most writers, your editor is a cheerleader, a confidant, a friend. You entrust your 'baby' with them, certain they can make your manuscript even better. The shock of losing something that has played such an important part in your writing journey is not only understandable, it's to be expected. So grieve. Cry if you feel like it. Kick a cabinet or two.

Unresolved grief not only hurts your writing, it hurts you as a person.

2) Turn a negative into a positive.

Instead of focusing on what you've lost, try turning the tables on it. It's easy to lament over the negatives of the situation but looking at it from a different angle will lift your spirits. List all the positives that you see in the situation. Have you been putting off stretching your writing chops because it's easier to stay where you are? Thinking about indie publishing? Growth always comes out of hardship.

3) Be open to to change.

Change is difficult for most of us, and we do just about anything to avoid it. But change is also inevitable. So look within yourself. What do you envision for your writing future? Where do you see yourself in five years? Now is the time to look at what changes you need to make to get you to that next level.

4) Come up with a plan.

Once you've mourned the loss, it's time to get your head back in the game. Have you got an idea that you've had on the back burner, waiting for 'someday?' Maybe, now's the time to dust off that old manuscript and use the tools you've learned from your experience? Are you ready to dip your toes into indie publishing? Download some books on marketing and publicity. Talk to indie authors. Soak up as much knowledge as you can. It may take some time for your plan to come together, so relax and enjoy this new direction God has taken you in. Remember--a door may have slammed shut, but a window of opportunity will open.


What to Do When Your Publisher Ends Your Line by Patty Smith-Hall (Click to Tweet)

Enjoy this new direction God has taken you in.~ Patty Smith-Hall (Click to Tweet)

Patty Smith-Hall is a multi-published, award-winning author with Love Inspired Historical/Heartsong and currently serves as president of the ACFW-Atlanta chapter. She currently lives in North Georgia with her husband of 30+ years, Danny; two gorgeous daughters and a future son-in-love. Her next release, New Hope Sweethearts will
be available in July on Amazon.

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  • What to Do When Your Publisher Ends Your Line by Patty Smith-Hall Last week, I received the news that every writer dreads hearing. After ten years and hundreds of wonderful books, Harlequin cut the Love Inspired Historical line. In one brief email, forty-eight spot… Read More


  1. When this happens, do you get your rights to publish back, or do they keep the rights until the end of your contract?

    1. Sherrie, it depends on the publisher and the terms of your contract. Most contracts have a clause which says if the book fails to sell a certain number in a set amount of time, you can your rights back.

  2. If you choose to become an indie, welcome to my world. Indies are open about what they do and how they do it.

    1. Indie publishing has definitely come a long way in recent years! I've been a hybrid author for a few years and absolutely love the freedom indie publishing gives me! Thanks for coming by!

  3. Patty, I've had this experience in spades. My contract wasn't renewed by one publisher (where, by the way, I've earned out my advance), another publisher closed down their fiction line, I signed with another publisher who wasn't able to perform as contracted because of financial problems. Your advice is good, especially the last bit--indie-publishing no longer carries the stigma it once did. Thanks for sharing.


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