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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone

by Patty Smith-Hall
I have a confession to make.

I absolutely dread writing blog posts. I’m not exactly sure why. Writing has always been an outlet for me, and I find the time I’m working on a new proposal or putting the finishing touches on a completed novel extremely satisfying. Writing devotions for Journey magazine gives me a platform to share my faith with young women who seek to fulfill their spiritual needs while juggling family and career responsibilities.
So why does the thought of writing a blog post send a cold chill down my spine? Why would I sign on to write one every month if it causes me this much worry?
It was because I wanted to step out of my comfort zone. We all have them, that safe place we run to when life gets a little bit too stressful, that place where as an old song use to say, ‘Everyone knows your name.’ The writing journey is no different—it has its own stresses. Whether it’s staring at the blinking cursor on an empty page, sharing your writing for the first time or sending a manuscript to an editor/agent, we have to step out of our comfort zone in order to keep moving toward our goal. To some, that may be getting your dream agent or signing a book contract or in some cases, dominance of the publishing world (trust me--I’ve actually heard writers say that!)

The writing journey isn’t comfortable. It’s filled with stomach-twisting cabinet-kicking moments. A contest entry that lost more blood than a stabbing victim, a disappointing rejection, a crushing review—all those things are enough to throw in the towel and go back to that safe place.

Until the urge to try again kicks in, and even in extreme discomfort, we give it another go. That’s how I feel about blogging. I’m not very good at it, or should I say, there are others here at Novel Rocket who are much more eloquent and educated in the craft than I’ll ever be. That’s not the kind of person or writer that I am. I have all the tact of a 2x4 up the side of someone’s head. But I am willing to step out of my comfort zone like I did when I sent in my first critique or submitted my first novel.

Or write a monthly blog post.

How about you? What part of the writing journey is a step out of your comfort zone?

Patty Smith-Hall is a multi-published, award-winning author with Love Inspired Historical/Heartsong and currently serves as president of the ACFW-Atlanta chapter. She currently lives in North Georgia with her husband of 30+ years, Danny; two gorgeous daughters and a future son-in-love. Her next release, New Hope Sweethearts will be available in July on Amazon.

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  1. Well, I'm glad you stepped out of your comfort zone for this one, Patty. When I started blogging, which I did because I thought an author should, I was terrified I'd say something wrong or miss silly typos, and people would judge me by my blog. But I'm over that. Mostly. And I find it a good writing exercise that stretches me beyond long fiction. Thanks so much for blogging.

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