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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Monday, September 19, 2016

Strength in Adversity is Necessary for Life and Writing

By Pamela S. Meyers

I wrote this article several years ago and recently came across it. It bears good reminders for those of us who write, but also for anyone who has adversity in their life. And who doesn't at one time or another? 


This man has the right idea!
I'm currently reading a chapter a day in Deuteronomy Today, it wasn't the scripture that contained a takeaway for me, but the study note in my John MacArthur NASB Study Bible regarding Deut. 13:3 that says God was testing the Israelites to see how much they did love Him in the face of temptation. The study note states: "...while temptation was dangerous, the overcoming of that temptation would strengthen the people in their love for God and obedience to His commandments."

I pondered the idea that temptations can be strength-builders when we overcome, but the lesson didn't hit full-force until I went to the gym and decided to increase the weights on some of the machines I use. The increase was only five pounds, but what had become fairly easy suddenly became more difficult. Yet I pushed on, straining at times, until I accomplished my goals. Why? Because it's been proven that without increasing the resistance, my muscles will never strengthen. They needed that extra weight in order to become stronger.

That got me thinking about adversity and trials beyond the temptations that I face every day. They provide increased weight to my inner soul, strengthening it like a muscle when I don't give up and stop resisting the temptation. The harder I work at resisting and rising above the disappointments, setbacks, and trials of life, the more I will depend on God to get me through. And my love for Him can only increase because He gives me EVERTHING I need for life.

How does that translate to my writing journey? With every rejection I receive (and there have been many over the years), every hard critique that points out flaws in my story, every time a typo that slipped past me, I can benefit through in the same way increasing the weight on the leg press machine like the one like the guy is using in the picture. 

This morning I grimaced through most of the exercises, but I am now a bit stronger for having endured. And each disappointing experience I have with my writing will only make me stronger and more determined to grow from the experience, as I trust God, knowing He is in charge and equipping me to better my craft. At the proper time I will reap a harvest if I don't give up. (See Galatians 6:9)


Soon after I wrote this, I was blessed with my first book contract, and two more followed. Since then my writing still continues to be blessed, but not without ups and downs as the landscape of fiction publishing has changed in many ways. With each down I have remembered this lesson and it has carried me through.

If you are a writer looking to be traditionally published or perhaps you are thinking about going indie (self publishing), hang in there and trust God. He has a plan for you, not to harm but to give you hope and a future! (Jeremiah 29:11)

A native of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, author Pamela S. Meyers lives in suburban Chicago with her two rescue cats. Her novels include Thyme for Love and her 1933 historical romance, Love Finds You in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Love is All We Need (the sequel to Thyme for Love) will release soon, and Second Chance Love from Bling!, an imprint of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, will release in January 2017. When she isn’t at her laptop writing her latest novel, she can often be found nosing around Wisconsin and other Midwestern spots for new story ideas.

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1 comment:

  1. Pam, I enjoyed this post then and I needed it now. Someone recently told me that if you feel that you're under attack, then God's about to do a mighty work. Thanks for reminding me to look at adversity as a strength-building exercise. :)

    Congratulations on all your successes and thank you for the encouragement!


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