an author and film producer, Bill Myers’s work has won over 70 national and
international awards including the C.S. Lewis Honor Award. His books and videos,
which include Eli and McGee and Me, have sold 8 million
copies. His most recent book, The Jesus Experience - Journey Deeper into the
Heart of God, explores how he went from a burned-out evangelical to
someone head-over-heels in love with his Creator.
The devil is called, “The Accuser
of the Brethren.” In fact the very term, devil, means ‘slanderer.’
So who
believes the slanderer’s accusations? God? Hardly. After Christ’s great
sacrifice, God no longer sees what’s wrong with us. He only sees what’s
missing. So
who is left to believe the slanderer? Just us. The accuser accuses
us to us.
Don’t listen to the lies that hate you, that want to destroy you . .
. that want to steal Christ’s glory by lessening what Jesus did for you on the
cross. Instead, listen to God’s great love. A love that adores you, that’s on
your side, and that longs to always, always forgive you.
“. . . for he (the devil) is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44
Amen. This is so true....and I choose to listen to Christ. Almost on a daily basis, the accuser attacks us, so we need to put on the full armor of God.