an author and film producer, Bill Myers’s work has won over 70 national and
international awards including the C.S. Lewis Honor Award. His books and videos,
which include Eli and McGee and Me, have sold 8 million
copies. His most recent book, The Jesus Experience - Journey Deeper into the
Heart of God, explores how he went from a burned-out evangelical to
someone head-over-heels in love with his Creator.
Christ’s love for us is so intense
that at least eighteen times in the Bible we are referred in one way or another
as His Bride. Not His groveling servant, not His fearful slave, not even His
wife. But His Bride. He looks upon you and me with the same passion as a
bridegroom does for his bride on their wedding day. Think on that.
The Creator of the Universe is over
the moon in love with you. The Bible even says He sings over you. The next time
you attend a wedding, pay attention to the bride as she enters, but also sneak
a peek back to the groom’s expression and remember . . . that is exactly what
the Lord feels for you every second
of your life. Good days, bad days, it makes no difference. He’s crazy in love with
you. So much that He even let people kill His Son just so the two of you could
be together.
Now that’s love! We’ve heard the verse below so many times it
may have lost some meaning. But pretend it’s the first time you’ve ever come
across it:
“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son…” John
Thank you for these encouraging words and the oft-needed reminder of God's relentless love. I've been reading about Jacob in Genesis and how the Lord continually led and blessed him in spite of less than stellar actions and attitudes on Jacob's part.