Shellie Arnold is a wife of 29+ years and a home school mother of 3. She believes every marriage can flourish if both parties listen to God, and Living Happily Even After is just one obedient-to-God choice away. Shellie’s blog and other resources can be found at www.shelliearnold.com where she shares what she’s learned the hard way about building a godly marriage.
What sparked the story for this novel? Three things: First, I’ve wanted to help marriages
since I was in the second or third grade and knew my parents’ marriage would
end. Second, I’ve found myself in both Laurie and Pierce’s shoes. Third, after
God healed my brain (which you’ll see below) He gave me images in my head of
several scenes from the novel. I couldn’t not
write it.
Share a bit of your journey to publication. Was it
short or long? My journey to
publication has been very long. I attended my first writers conference in
January, 1994, and dabbled at writing for many years. I worked toward writing
non-fiction until 2002 when I became ill. On May 18, 2005, God healed my brain
and turned my head to fiction. I said, “That’s not what we were doing.” God’s
response was, “That’s what we’re doing now.” So, I started learning about
fiction in 2006/2007 as a total newbie after being out of the industry for
several years.
What would you do if you didn't write? Ha! Refurbish houses. It’s a dream of mine. I love
power tools (I have my own table saw, grinder, and sander), love heavy work,
love getting dirty and turning something ugly into something beautiful. I want
to refurbish homes and rent them out to families in need.
What makes you struggle as an author? How do you handle it? On the outside: time. My time
is packed and stretched beyond its limits. I have several projects going at
once—both fiction and non-fiction. On the inside: time. I fight feeling pulled
in too many directions. I’m an introvert, so I recharge only with uninterrupted
solitude—which I never get, because I’ve home schooled for over 20 years. How
do I handle those? I am constantly fussing at—ahem, make that having
discussions with God about my priorities, time management, and how to stay on
track with what He wants me to do in a given moment. I don’t trust my judgment
on priorities, especially during times of high stress (which is most of the
Where do you write: In a cave, a coffeehouse, or a
cozy nook? I write wherever I can. I
have a corner in our front porch I’ve turned into a “pretend office,” sometimes
I go to the library, or I often work in my truck if I’m running errands and
waiting on a child. Parking lots are great places to get work done. I do a lot
of writing in my truck.
(Do you have a photo of your
writing space we could share with our readers? If so, can you send it to me in
a jpeg file?)
Do you prefer the creating or editing aspect of
writing? Why? That’s a hard
question! Creating has its own joys and anguish—the creating, yes, getting on
paper what you see in your head. But editing (for me) is kind of a fun reminder
of what I’ve written, and I see it as the opportunity to improve what’s on the
page. I don’t resent editing. I enjoy finding a word, sentence, or paragraph I
can improve, then experiencing that feeling of “Yes!” when I know I’ve made it
Do you consider yourself a visual writer? If so, what visuals do you use? You’re going to
laugh, but I had to Google “What is a visual writer?” to answer this question.
And, of course, Google is always right, (LOL) so here goes. I’m definitely a
visual writer. I’ve been told my writing is vivid and has a literary flair. To
me, I’m just telling the story as I see and feel it in my head. To me the
feeling is paramount; the seeing must support the feeling conveyed or I’ve
failed in that sentence/paragraph/scene.
What are your top 3 recommendations for a new writer? Wow. The best advice I was ever given came from the
president of the agency which now represents me. Years ago I was told “Your
writing isn’t good enough. You’re not ready.” That was an owie (is that a
word?) but it pushed me to be a better writer instead of settling for my craft
level at that time. Second, I’d say, read, read, read, then read more great
authors who write what you want to write. Third, get into a fabulous critique
group like Word Weavers International at word-weavers.com. I would be nowhere
without Word Weavers and attending writers conferences.
Then what 3 things would you recommend not doing? Don’t throw up during your first critique! LOL (like
I almost did because I was so nervous). Not kidding. First, don’t resent good
critique, embrace it—one little idea
could be the turning point to great improvement of your writing. Second, never
stop reading. Never, ever, ever. And third…don’t stop placing your talent,
calling, and craft before God. You’re a steward, not the source. Don’t stop
seeking the Source.
by Shellie Arnold
What happens when the
miracle God gives you threatens to destroy your marriage?
Laurie Crane is happily married. And she is usually able to overlook her husband's moments of quiet sadness. If only God would give them a child ...
Pierce wants a child as badly as Laurie and has spent years praying alongside her. But he has no idea that a "yes" from God will unearth long-buried memories and bring their marriage to the brink of catastrophe.
In The Barn Church trilogy's first novel, "The Spindle Chair", Shellie Arnold explores what happens when "happily ever after" becomes more than one couple can handle.
Laurie Crane is happily married. And she is usually able to overlook her husband's moments of quiet sadness. If only God would give them a child ...
Pierce wants a child as badly as Laurie and has spent years praying alongside her. But he has no idea that a "yes" from God will unearth long-buried memories and bring their marriage to the brink of catastrophe.
In The Barn Church trilogy's first novel, "The Spindle Chair", Shellie Arnold explores what happens when "happily ever after" becomes more than one couple can handle.
I am so proud of you, Shellie Arnold! So proud! And this book is SOOOO good! You're an awesome writer and your words are amazing.