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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Making Up Your Own Country

By Rachel Hauck

A few years ago when I set out to write about royal romances, I knew I would have to develop my own kingdoms, much like Meg Cabot's Genovia, and develop my own royal families and customs.

If you think making up people is hard, try a country! I know the spec writers are used to this but it was a exercise in diligence for this romance writer.

Choosing A Name

First, I had to come up with a name. Seemingly simple on the surface but as I mulled over different titles and googled them, I discovered it wasn't so easy.

Some names I liked were in the Urban dictionary with derogatory meanings. Others were technical terms. Or actual gaming worlds.

Go figure the gaming world would have the best kingdom names.

I decided to choose a name that sounded like the kind of kingdom I wanted. Could I use to describe the people, the geography, the royal family?

I chose the name Brighton for my first kingdom.

I used a headline for the brothers-prince: The Future Looks Bright For The Princes Of Brighton.

Ah, clever right. Yea... ;p

However I didn't thoroughly research Brighton. I knew it was a city in England but didn't really take it into account. And I should have. The name does work and it felt right to me, but a few of my English readers didn't care for the reference.

My second country was the Grand Duchy of Hessenberg. I wanted a duchy because it added a different texture and flavor to the stories. I also wanted a more Germanic sounding name.

In my research of European duchies, I discovered many were once mighty nations like Normandy, Tuscany and Saxony, but over the centuries were absorbed into larger nations like France, Italy and Germany.

What if my duchy faced a similar peril? The story thread for my second novel was born.


Once I came up with names, I had to figure out the culture. For the sake of simplicity, I gave them both a British culture. The language was English and the money in pounds.

Research revealed various traditions and customs and laws among European royals, so I was able to develop my own royal protocol that felt authentic.

After World War 1 many of the European royal houses collapsed. Russia, France, Italy, Germany so I used that to cause problems for Hessenberg.

I decided both were rich in art and film, ancient feeling nations with a long history. A long history does impact the culture. The people come from something. They've endured trials, and dark times as well as light and success.


Next I had to decide where to put my little kingdoms. Since I initially wanted a German influence in Hessenberg, I decided to put both nations in the North Sea.

There's not much there but oil rigs and shipping lanes but what a great opportunity to create natural resources for my country.


So when creating fictional worlds or cities, be sure to consider location and what resources aid or harm the economy.

I decided both nations had a wealthy of natural resources like minerals and gems. Oil and gas. Shipping also played a part in their economy, as well as tourism.


Since they are island nations, I gave them rich coast lines and gorgeous beaches. Lots of tourism to go along with it.

I also made them mountainous so the characters could have a bird's eye view of the ocean. I just loved the idea of the heroine standing on top of a mountain and looking down over an enclosed bay.

To anchor the characters, I created a capital city in each country and of course, a royal palace. Or two.

The cities I imagined to be "old world" European and tried to create a Dickenesque kind of charm and feel.

I did a lot of research on European architecture, trying to blend British, German and Russia styles.

I came up with business, street names, all the things one would do if making up a city in an familiar American setting.

In the first book, Once Upon A Prince, the hero, Prince Nathaniel II (the second) kept referring to his home as Brighton. As if it was one big city.

Then I realized I needed to be much more specific. He needed a city. A palace. A street. An apartment. An office.

So in developing a new world, start wide and zero in, smaller and smaller until you see the pattern in the royal wallpaper.


The history path was a bit humorous. Because I didn't know all of the history myself, the characters spoke to each other as if it was a brand new to them too.

"Hey, listen to this new information. You know my country Brighton, in the North Sea, by England?"

Ha! Pretty sloppy.

While rewriting, I changed the dialog so it sounded as if my American heroine studied Brighton Kingdom history in school.

When the prince referenced an historical point, she'd respond, "The Entail of 1914? I remember it from history. What about it?"

I also had to weave my royal family in with the rest of the royal families of Europe. King George IV, Czar Nicholas II and Kaiser Wilhelm II were first cousins. Grandsons of Queen Victoria.

Could my House of Stratton be her descendants as well?

Since there was a 1914 time/storyline, I decided Prince Nathaniel's great grandfather was a cousin of George, Nicholas and Wilhelm.

But I had to go beyond 1914. How old was the nation? What was it before Brighton? Was it once a part of Britain?

I decided Brighton was a serf kingdom for England until 1550s when the first king, King Stephen, freed the people from Henry VIII.

With that in view, I had to decided what kind of people lived on the island then and what kind of descendants they created.

That's when the story started to feel more real to me. And when the story feels real to me, it will feel real to the reader.

Same will happen with you. Make sure you know your world. It won't happen on the first draft but as you write, things will begin to pop. Holes will be revealed.

There you have it. A few tips for creating your own country.

Go write something brilliant.


USA Today Bestselling author Rachel Hauck lives in sunny central Florida with her husband and ornery pets.

She also co-authored the critically acclaimed Songbird Novels with platinum selling country music artist Sara Evans. Their novel Softly and Tenderly, was one of Booklists 2011 Top Ten Inspirationals.

A graduate of Ohio State University with a degree in Journalism, she worked in the corporate software world before planting her backside in uncomfortable chair to write full time eight years ago.

She’s the author of RITA and Christy nominated books. 

Rachel serves on the Executive Board for American Christian Fiction Writers. She is a mentor and book therapist at My Book Therapy, a conference speaker and worship leader.

Rachel writes from her two-story tower in an exceedingly more comfy chair. She is a huge Buckeyes football fan.

Visit her web site:

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