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Friday, June 19, 2015

Iron Sharpening ~ Tamara Alexander

Iron Sharpening Iron
by Tamera Alexander

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” 
Proverbs 27:17

Having a writing critique partner has made all the difference in my writing and in my writing journey. Deborah Raney and I have been writing critique partners for more than twelve years, ever since we met at the first American Christian Fiction Writers conference. And while not all critique partners become friends, friendship has been a natural outgrowth of our working relationship, and I’m so grateful. 

Over the course of critiquing twenty-plus manuscripts between us, we have learned a lot about what to look for in a critique partner, what works, what doesn’t, how to handle conflict and competition, and how to “agree to disagree” with grace.

Here are a few quick things we’ve gleaned through our working partnership.

Why have a critique partner?
  • A critique partner (CP) offers fresh perspective. We’re often too close to our own story to read it as an unbiased reader, let alone evaluate it critically. CPs can see not only technical glitches in each other’s work but also story strengths and weaknesses, and ways to potentially deepen the layers of the story and characters.
  • We bring only one opinion or viewpoint to the reading of our own work—and it’s obviously biased. A CP can view our work from a different point of view since they’ve likely had a different upbringing and life experiences.
  • Since a CP isn’t as close to your story as you are, they often come up with ideas or plot directions that you never would have dreamed of.
  • Two people bring two sets of strengths to the table, and can offset each other’s weaknesses.
  • When one of you is down, the other is there to build up! Deb and I are tough on each other, but we’re also huge fans of each other’s work.
  • It’s much easier to see “mistakes/room for growth” in someone else’s writing. Deb and I learn from critiquing each other’s manuscripts, and then apply those principles to our own writing.
  • Brainstorming! With SKYPE and FaceTime, CPs can “video brainstorm” any time, day or night.

Where and how do I find a critique partner?
  • Connect with someone at a writer’s conference or local writers group. And remember, you don’t have to write in the same genre. 
  • One-on-one partnerships often develop naturally out of larger critique groups; so join a group with an eye to eventually working with one other writer as a CP.
  • Ask a well-read non-writing friend to critique your manuscript. A non-writer who loves to read your genre can be an invaluable source for clarity and pacing of story.
  • If feasible, consider paying a professional editor for a critique. Numerous well-qualified freelance editors are available and can add depth and clarity to your manuscript.
  • Sign up for a paid critique at a conference you’re attending. Worth every penny!
  • As you’re looking for a CP, become your own. Read books on self-editing, such as Revision & Self-Editing by James Scott Bell (Writer’s Digest Books) and Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne & Dave King (HarperCollins).

Do you have someone sharpening your writing skills? If yes, what’s something you’ve learned from that relationship? 


Tamera Alexander is the USA Today bestselling author of numerous books, including A Lasting Impression, A Beauty So Rare, To Whisper Her Name and From a Distance. Her richly drawn characters and thought-provoking plots have earned her devoted readers worldwide, as well as multiple industry awards.

After living in Colorado for 17 years, Alexander has returned to her Southern roots. She and her husband now make their home in Nashville where they enjoy life with their two adult children who live nearby and Jack, a precocious terrier.

To keep up with Tamera Alexander, visit, become a fan on Facebook (tamera.alexander) or follow her on Twitter (@tameraalexander) or Pinterest (tameraauthor).

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  • Iron Sharpening ~ Tamara Alexander Iron Sharpening Iron by Tamera Alexander “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”  Proverbs 27:17 Having a writing critique partner has made all the difference in my writing and in my writing jo… Read More


  1. Great post, Tamara! Keep up the good work.

    I have a couple of crit partners. We "met" online through ACFW and they both became friends. We counsel each other on more than just writing, so I understand how crit partners can become friends.

    Even if they've never met in person.

    What I like about our small group is that we represent three generations and, as such, three unique views of the world.

    So far, we're not really writing in the same genres, either, though all of us include dashes of mystery in our stories.

    Thank you again for sharing your thoughts.

    Best wishes,


  2. I love my brilliant critique partners!


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