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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Industry News

Megan DiMaria is Novel Rocket’s industry news columnist. An author and speaker, she enjoys cheering on writers and loves to encourage others as they journey through life’s demands and delights. Megan is the author of two women’s fiction novels, Searching for Spice and Out of Her Hands

Yes, winter continues. Not much more to say about that, but here's some interesting news and tidbits to read with a delicious hot beverage. 

Have a great month, friends!


  1. Great news bits again, Megan! I was surprised not pleased to see that about 1/3 of the readers of Christian fiction aren't church goers. :)

  2. Always amazing, Megan. I know I'm redundant with praise, but your collection of poignant information takes a lot of time and effort. I appreciate your diligence.

  3. Thank you very much for your support and kind words, Ane and Nicole. It blesses me!

  4. WOW! WOW! WOW! Data rich content that inspires and give direction. Thank you

  5. Thanks for the compliment, Kevin!

  6. Awesome work, Megan. Thank you!

  7. Megan, as always, I'm blown away by such a complete wrap-up of publishing news. Thanks for your efforts.

  8. Thanks, Richard. I try my best.


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