by Cynthia Ruchti
She didn’t realize writing a book would mean people might
read it.
That’s a slight exaggeration. But in an interview a couple of years ago, the
author of a widely read novel series—millions of copies sold to date—noted
she was embarrassed to think about the men who had read her books, the pages
full of what she calls her private fantasies.
She wrote and published a book—which put it into the hands
of the public—and now realizes the words she wrote bear some unpleasant consequences.
Few of us will know “success” equaling that author’s sales
numbers. But we’d all benefit from the reminder that our words all carry consequences.
Will the words we write today make us cringe
If a hastily written or prematurely-birthed book
gets noticed by the press, will it be noticed for the right reasons? What does it say about our choice of subject
matter if part of our prayer labor for it is praying our pastor and grandmother
don’t see it?
Will a casual remark on Twitter or Facebook give
a negative impression to a prospective agent or editor? Or reader? Will a pattern of whining on social media sites
spoil our relationships within the industry and with our readers?
Will carelessness in proofreading, even in
emails, tell a story we don’t want to tell?
What happens when the person we spoke against
this year changes jobs and becomes our editor or marketing director next year?
Will that photo or video taken “just for fun”
worm its way into resources accessed by the press?
If every book, every blog post, every interview,
every speaking engagement doesn’t receive our best effort, will we live to
regret the consequences?
For those of us who value what the Bible has to say, the
motivation to make sure we have nothing to be embarrassed about is even
stronger. II Corinthians 6:3 and other verses remind us to live “above
reproach,” including in the words we write.
Our marketing efforts need the fewest hindrances possible.
The same is true of our character development as authors.
Those who live for
Christ—those who write for Christ—are always on duty. “Letting our hair down”
is no excuse for unprofessional behavior at any time.
I’m saying this not from behind a pulpit but from across the
table with friends. Every word we say and every word we write matters.
I unwrapped a gift—with beautiful Mylar wrapping paper—and
noticed it was shiny on both sides. There was no “bad” side. The interior was
as sparkling as the exterior.
That may be part of the lesson the Lord is driving home to
my heart as I consider these thoughts. I want to be shiny on both sides. Shiny
in my public persona. Shiny in the depths of my heart, with every word I write
worthy of the King I serve.
And nothing to embarrass either Him or me, whether or not it
ever sells a million copies.
I was at a Women of Faith conference seven years ago. I was so excited because when I was a single mom I always wanted to go but I simply didn't have the funds. This would be my first conference after years of prayer, and I was attending and also working the conference (I work in Christian radio). One of the things that stood out to me happened when I went to get coffee. There was a line at the coffee stand and the ladies running it were sharing that the espresso machine was broken so they could only sell regular coffee and iced coffee. The line of women groused and complained and many were absolutely rude. I was stunned.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that saddened me is that some people brought friends who weren't Christians and the thing I kept thinking was, how sad it would be if some never did because of the rotten attitude of these ladies. Not to mention the horrific testimony to these workers.
I know that in the grand scheme this might not have anything to do with burning bridges career wise but it gave me strong reminder that we are on God's stage wherever we are and we should make it count. We could be the one and only chance someone gets to meet Jesus.
Cynthia, thank you for your post. I enjoyed it.
I appreciate your comment and your insights, Kelly. All you said, exactly true. Thanks for the reminder.