by Yvonne Anderson
For the first time ever, I forgot to change my clocks Saturday night for the time change Sunday.
For the first time ever, I forgot to change my clocks Saturday night for the time change Sunday.
The only consequence,
fortunately, was getting up with my cell phone alarm at 6:00, staggering into
the kitchen to turn on the coffee, seeing the clock on the microwave saying 5:00, and thinking Huh? Then I remembered: It's Daylight Savings Time.
was disappointing to realize the microwave clock lied to me and I couldn’t go back to
sleep for another hour. But I’m thankful for my self-adjusting cell phone
alarm. Without it, my whole morning would have been thrown out of whack.
Speaking of times and
seasons, this seems to be the season for writing contests. I keep seeing
reminders from ACFW that the deadlines for submission to the Genesis and Carol
Award contests are breathing down our necks.
Like the Genesis contest,
Novel Rocket’s Launch Pad Contest: Boosting You Out of the Slush Pile is for
writers who have never released a novel through a traditional publisher. It’s a
way to gain experience in the submission process, to get some unbiased input on
the opening of your book, and, if you’re a winner, to get a little attention
for your work.
The contests are similar,
but there are two big differences:
1) With the Launch Pad
contest, the grand prize is this really cool blown glass rocket trophy,
something no other writing contest
can boast, along with the opportunity to bypass the slush pile and get your
submission into the hands of an agent.
2) The submission deadline
for the Launch Pad contest is still a comfortable distance away. We have
different deadlines, depending on the genre, but the first one isn’t until
April 10. And that’s only for Suspense/Crime/Mystery/Thriller. If your story is
in another genre, you’ve got even more time.
Some unsolicited feedback
from people who participated in previous years:
Peter Leavell, author of Gideon's Call, recently volunteered: "I will preach it from the highest pulpit, the
two mandatory contests are Novel Rocket and Genesis. I applied the feedback
from both and entered Operation First Novel in 2011. Christian Retailing also
chose it as the Best First Novel winner for 2013."
This email came from UK writer Magda Knight, who entered two stories in the
Middle Grade/Young Adult category in 2012: “At the risk of burdening your inbox I'd
like to voice my appreciation of the incisive and immensely helpful critiques
by the judges. I don't think I've ever had such pertinent and useful feedback.
Absolutely game-changing. Please accept my thanks for setting up such a great
competition. I may not have won, but thanks to those critiques I feel like I
won anyway. Huzzah!”
From two other past entrants: “I can't tell you
enough how much it has helped me. Just getting my work out has been hard for
me, because I usually don't receive any feedback. Both of the judges’ critiques
were extremely helpful.”
“The comments were spot on. Some were very
encouraging. It's given me new motivation to continue on. Thank you, thank you,
thank you!”
So how about you? The deadlines aren’t
pressing yet, so you can breathe easy and often. Check out the complete rules. (Contest
rules, that is, not rules for breathing.) And, if you’ve got a novel manuscript
you’d like to share with us, give us a try!
Yvonne Anderson writes fiction that takes you out of this world. Look for Ransom in the Rock, the third book in the Gateway to Gannah sci-fi series, to release this spring!
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