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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Make Money Promoting Your Books

by Ane Mulligan

Jo-Anne Vandermeulen: Google Play App & Twitter Developer & Publisher | International Nonfiction & Fiction Author | Radio – TRN – Talk Radio Network | AOP – Appy Our Publishing | PPS – Premium Promotional Services | eMerce Content-Read Listen & View Marketing Tips |

Another door is opening. All I have to do is walk through and enter the foreign room.

I’m never alone. Messages of encouraging words filter through daily dialogue, newspaper articles, blogs, social media network discussions, and personal interaction with others. God speaks to me in ALL ways.

I have a goal – I need an income…I have to earn money.

In order for me to meet my goal, I must market and sell my books—make money promoting books.

How would you like to earn money while your book sells in bulk?

What opportunity awaits?

Professional speaking. An effective tactic to sell your books. Now, before you click off this page and venture to another because your palms are beginning to slip with sweat, just hear me out…

Let’s chuck the phrase Professional Speaker, and replace it with something a tad less threatening (for those whom may consider themselves as ‘introverts’)….let’s replace Professional Speaker with Discussing Your Passion.

For example: when mothers come together, they talk for hours about their children; sport fans can spend an entire afternoon exchanging dialogue and cheering for their favorite team. Time flies. Nothing is forced. No one is threatening, judging, or setting up unrealistic expectations.

Can you just imagine speaking from pure adrenalin?

You’ve done it before…and did it quite well. Pure enjoyment from all.

Okay, let’s exchange the word audience with listener.

How do I gain confidence?

I keep new ventures in proper perspectives. I keep a positive frame of mind. I replace those scary words with friendly phrases – Now my heart is beating normal.

Discussing my passion to receptive listeners is a way I can PROMOTE MYSELF, SELL MY BOOKS; thus, MAKE MONEY.


So here’s the plan—what can YOU do?

1.) Volunteer to lead a discussion group. Choose a group with the subject/topic of your book.

2.) Volunteer to join a reading group. Offer your services to present a short ‘question/answer’ period about authorship or around the topic of your book.

3.) Encourage book groups to use your book. Hand members your business card, give a short pitch, and offer your time. Be their next featured guest. Create a draw for a free personalized autograph book.

4.) Approach non-profitable organizations and offer your time to speak. For example, if you have a:

- Christian book – there are bible study groups, congregations.

- Self healing book – support groups, hospitals, wards, centers

- Teen mystery book – schools, libraries

*For ideas, check out your local paper under UPCOMING EVENTS*.

ALWAYS have your books handy to sell before and after your discussion. Set up a display table in the back – show pictures of your Author’s Journey. Fan-out your business cards. Stack in many piles, dozens of your books. Pen in hand, be ready to add a favorite encouraging message and personally autograph the next customer’s purchased book. Be prepared to talk—make suggestions as to ‘the targeting audience’—really pitch your book (short ‘elevator’ pitch). Smile and greet…relax. KISS (Keep It Simple Silly).

As you do more speaking (like writing) you’ll become more comfortable. As my mother use to say, “The more you do it, the easier it will become and the better you’ll be”.

Discussing your passion to listeners CAN EARN YOU MONEY, PROMOTE YOURSELF, AND SELL YOUR BOOKS!

· Expect nothing. Volunteer, volunteer, and volunteer your services.

· Speak to entertain, NOT to sell.

After time and experience more doors may open—opportunities to earn money while speaking PLUS selling lots of books. Can you imagine answering the phone from those administrators of organizations and corporations, calling, asking YOU to be as their next Key Speaker? Can you imagine fans coming to your display table wanting to order more and more books for each of their employees, customers, or board members?

YOU can *conquer all obstacles* – make money promoting books – by taking one step at a time, and gaining confidence, knowing…YOU CAN DO IT!

Premium Promotional Tips for Writers

A "must-have" ­resource book filled with practical online marketing tips for those who have books or other products to sell. Although this book was written for writers promoting their books, these ­promotional tips can be applied to any products you may wish to promote via the Internet. You will learn how to target your audience, create massive exposure, and drive traffic back to the site where your books or other products are sold. 

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1 comment:

  1. Jo-Anne, I love what you say about speak to entertain not to sell, and volunteer! Being a servant reaps more rewards than trying to be the honored guest. :) I'm on my way to buy your book!


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