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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Win An Instant Library From Tyndale House!

Help me celebrate my birthday! Today I turn 39, and as part of my book launch today Tyndale House Publishers is giving an instant library of over 30 titles!

What's so funny is that at the end of my 20's I thought I would enter publishing my 30's. Apparently I was decade off! To all you writers out there, it just goes to prove that you should never give up!

Help me celebrate by helping me spread the word about this giveaway!

Also, you can e-mail me a picture of yourself in a hat holding a teacup for another chance to win a copy of Born of Persuasion! See who else sent a picture!

 To enter to win the instant library, use the form below!

All for a Story and For Time & Eternity - by Alison Pittman 

Tattler's Branch, Skip Rock Shallows, Still House Pond, and Sweetwater Run - by Jan Watson

All In Good Time and Bees in the Butterfly Garden - by Maureen Lang

Flame of Resistance - by Tracy Groot

Promise Me This and Band of Sisters -by Cathy Gohlke

Brides of the West - Faith, Brides of the West- Hope, and Brides of the West - June - by Lori Copeland 

A Lineage of Grace, The Scarlet Thread, A Voice in the Wind, and The Last Sin Eater- by Francine Rivers

Grace's Pictures - by Cindy Thomson

Tangled Ashes and In Broken Places - by Michelle Phoenix

Wings of Glass and Crossing Oceans - by Gina Holmes

Beaded Hope - by Cathy Liggett 

Redemption and Remember -by Karen KingsburyGary Smalley

Secrets Over Sweet Tea - by Denise Hildreth Jones

Dead Lawyers Tell No Tales -by Randy Singer

Vienna Prelude and Prague Counterpoint - by Bodie & Brock Thoene

The Outcast -by Jolina Petersham

Dogwood -by Chris Fabry

Born of Persuasion -by Jessica Dotta

Man in the Blue Moon by -by Michael Morris

Take a Chance On Me - by Susan May Warren

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lyndie! There's not a book there that I would LOVE on my shelf!

  2. Hope to win one! Thanks.

    1. Thanks, May Robinson! Crossing my fingers for you ;-)

  3. Ooh! I'm drooling over that list of books! What a wonderful addition they'll be to anyone's library. Thank you so much Tyndale and Jessica for the chance to win.

    Most importantly, however, Happy Birthday, Jessica!

    1. Thanks so much, Alycia! This is the type of giveaway you could get multiple friends to enter and share the books! There's enough to keep everyone reading for a while ;-)


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