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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Sunday, December 02, 2012

To Write the Love of God Above - M. Laycock

There are moments when the love of God overwhelms. Some have experienced it through nature or as they watched the irrepressible joy of a Father watching his child. Some have seen it in those who serve in soup kitchens and homeless shelters. And some discover it in small things that happen day to day.

I experienced it through a small thing recently, as I participated in a fund-raiser for a local group. They had a silent auction as well as booths set up with all kinds of Christmas gift ideas. I sighed as I wandered among them, hoping I could get some of my shopping done, but not too hopeful about finding what was on my family's wish lists. I was especially concerned about buying for one of my sons-in-law who is quite specific about his requests - it's not just a pair of socks, it's a pair of black socks made of a certain blend of material and patterned in a certain way. This year item number one was a series of baseball trading cards. I shook my head when I read it. Where on earth would we ever find such a thing?

Then I saw it - a small sign - "Baseball Trading Cards." I blinked and stepped closer. There were a few packs of cards along with a book. Not knowing anything about baseball, I hesitated. What if these weren't the cards he wanted? What if I had to make a high bid and it was a disappointment to him? I sighed again. Even if the dates on the cards were wrong, at least my son-in-law would know I tried to get him what he wanted. I put my name on the sheet along with my bid.

When I discovered I had won the cards I couldn't wait to get home to check my son-in-law's list. I sat back in stunned wonder when I saw the dates on the cards I had won were exactly the dates he wanted! Then I smiled. I couldn't stop thinking about the look on his face when he opens that present. I knew he would be "over-the-moon" happy.

That's when it happened. I was overwhelmed with the love of my God who would do such a thing for me and my family. Someone once told me that God delights in delighting us. Tears came to my eyes as I realized how true that is.

There are times as a writer, like during the Christmas season, when I am searching for something new to say about Christmas, that I think there is nothing more to say that hasn't already been said about Jesus, his birth and death and his sacrifice for all of mankind. Then I remember that very old hymn that says:

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above,
Would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
(The Love of God, Frederick M. Lehman, 1917, Public Domain)

And I rejoice again and am overwhelmed with the love of God, the saviour of my soul. Take a moment to ponder it and allow yourself to be overwhelmed. Perhaps Mercy Me's version on You Tube will help.
Abundant Rain, Marcia's devotional ebook for writers of faith is now available on Amazon

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