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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Searching for a Good Mystery on June 10

Do you know what June 10 is?

It's the 162nd day of 2012. (Usually, it's the 161st day of the year, but 2012 is a leap year.)

In 323 BC, it was the day Alexander the Great died.

In 1988 AD, it was the day author Louis L'Amour died.

In 1928, it was the day author Maurice Sendak was born.

In 1916, it was the day my dad was born.

In 1977, it was the day Apple shipped their first Apple II personal computer.

In 1935, it was the day Dr. Robert Smith took his last drink; subsequently, he and Bill Wilson founded Alcoholics Anonymous in Akron, Ohio.

But you know what's significant about June 10 this year? It's the submission deadline for the Suspense/Crime/Mystery/Thriller genre category in our LAUNCH PAD Contest: Boosting You Out of the Slush Pile.

That's June 10; this Sunday; three more days. If you're a mystery writer, there's not much time left!

Complete rules, along with the official Entry Form and the PayPal button for submitting your entry fee, can be found on this site's Launch Pad tab.

If you have any questions, contact us at

What entries will we receive? What great stories will we get to read? Which will win? Don't keep us in suspense; send yours soon!

In addition to writing fiction that takes you out of this world, Yvonne Anderson has been our contest administrator since the event's inception in 2010. The Story in the Stars, first in her Gateway to Gannah series, debuted last summer, and the second in the series is scheduled for release this summer. Read more of her wisdom on her blog at

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