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Sunday, June 17, 2012

All the Way to Taz - Marcia Lee Laycock

The fun thing about the internet is that you can connect with people from all over the world. Lately I've been trying to boost the number of 'likes' on my Facebook author page, so I've been running contests now and then for a free book.  I was a little dismayed but then delighted that one of the winners was from Tasmania - that small island state off the coast of Australia. I was dismayed because I knew the postage would likely be more than the value of the book, but then delighted to think that one of my books would make its way to such a far-off place.

That's the fun thing about books too - they can and do travel. When I published my first book, Spur of the Moment, a collection of devotions from my column in a local newspaper, I was amazed at where the book ended up. I thought it would be strictly a local effort, purchased by readers who knew me in the area where I lived. But God had other plans. The book traveled all across my own country and then into the U.S. as well. Then one day I received an email from India. A pastor there had been taking courses at a Bible College in Canada and someone had given him a copy of Spur of the Moment. When he returned to India he read it and then sent it to his son in England. That young man emailed me to say the book had arrived at a time when he was particularly discouraged and he wanted to tell me how much it had helped him. India! England! And now Tasmania! A long way from a small town in central Alberta Canada.

It makes me think of that scripture verse that says, "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen" (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Never underestimate the power and reach of our Lord. He will accomplish his purposes through us, no matter how small our imaginations.


  1. Marcia THANK YOU for posting your book all the way to Tassie! I'm very much enjoying it. And the lovely thing about having a hard copy (as opposed to Kindle, which is how I buy most of my books) I'll now be able to share it around, and hopefully get you some more Tasmanian fans.
    All the best,

  2. So true. Good post, Marcia.

  3. That's really cool, Marcia! I remember reading Randy Alcorn's Safely Home and thought how frightened I'd be to be a missionary in China. I learned recently that my debut, Crossing Oceans is being translated into simple Chinese. Amazing. :)

    1. Gina - that's so cool! Spur of the Moment has been translated into Spanish and is floating around somewhere in South America. :)

      Megan - so glad you like One Smooth Stone. Hope your friends do too! Thanks for helping to spread the word. :)

      I just got home from a writers' conference in Ontario (eastern Canada) where I won the top award in the blog series category for two posts written while going through Chemotherapy. Then I met with three agents from the US. One was encouraging, one asked me to send a proposal and the third (who read an excerpt) asked for the whole manuscript!! Excited! :)M


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