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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World~ Review

When I learned Michael Hyatt, chairman of Thomas Nelson, had a book coming out about building a platform, I had to have it. I've been following Hyatt's blog for years, and am a fan of his motivational and commonsense approach to leadership and publishing. 

His latest offering did not dissapoint. As one who knows a thing or two herself about building a platform, I found myself taking notes and picking up some great new tips to increase website traffic, and furthering my professional reach. He gives practical step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow and many helpful product links. I can't imagine any writer not gleaning something new from this book. But before you run out and buy yourself a copy, Michael Hyatt asks you to wait. 

(From Hyatt:) 


As you may know, I have spent my entire career in the book publishing industry. I have sat on every side of the table—as a publisher, a literary agent, and an author.
Until a year ago, I was the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, one of the largest publishers in the world. I have pretty much seen and done it all.
About ten years ago, I noticed a disturbing trend in our business. We had begun turning away authors with great ideas, compelling proposals, and even well-written manuscripts.
Great content was no longer enough. To get published, you also had to have a platform.Content may have been King, but platform had become Queen.


Perhaps you are thinking, What is a platform? Well, it’s that thing you stand on to get heard. In the old days, it was made of wood or bricks. It was a literal stage.
Ten years ago, a platform was a television program, a radio show, or a magazine or newspaper column. Or, it might have been the by-product of being a successful business person, an athlete, or a recording artist.
Regardless, a platform was something that was difficult to build. You either had it or you didn’t. It was largely dependent on whether some gate-keeper gave you access to theiraudience.


But in 2006, with the advent of social media, everything changed. Suddenly, it became possible for mere mortals—people like you and me—to build our own platforms. And many did.
In fact, I even built one. But almost by accident. And while maintaining a very demanding “day job.”
I started blogging in 2004, not really knowing where it would lead. I wrote for four years before I was able to attract more than a thousand readers (unique visitors) a month.
But in 2008, I reached an “inflection point.” This is when I began to get involved with Twitter and then with Facebook. That year, my audience went from a thousand readers a month to 22,000 a month. It has grown dramatically every year since.
Today, my platform consists of:
  • 302,000 blog visitors a month
  • 120,632 followers on Twitter
  • 92,000 podcast listeners a month
  • 15,561 fans on Facebook
  • 50 speaking engagements a year
Because of this, I was able to step out of my role as the CEO of Thomas Nelson to speak and write full-time—a dream I have had for years. My platform made this possible.


I told someone the other day, “I wrote Platform in six months, but it took me eight years of trial and error to make it possible.”
Fortunately, I documented everything I did. I wrote it all down—the successes and the failures. Platform is the book I wished I could have given to all the authors we kept turning away.
But this book is not just for authors.
It is for anyone with something to say or to sell.
This includes authors, musicians, comedians, public speakers, small business owners, sales people, and even corporate marketing directors. In other words, you.
It’s designed to help you leverage the power of social media to get attention for your product, your service, your brand, or your cause. The principles I share apply to anyone who needs more visibility.
And it won’t take you eight years. If I had known then what I know today, I could have done it much faster—perhaps in a couple of years. Many people I have coached along the way are on that growth trajectory now.
That’s why twenty-seven different leaders have endorsed the book, including Seth Godin, Dave Ramsey, John Maxwell, Chris Brogan, Tim Sanders, Dan Miller, and more.


The Platform System™ that I outline in the book is made up up five directives:
  1. Start with Wow
  2. Prepare to Launch
  3. Build Your Home Base
  4. Expand Your Reach
  5. Engage Your Tribe
Each of these directives consists of 10–12 short chapters. Each chapter provides step-by-step instructions for building that aspect of your platform.
Lots of people are talking about the importance of building a platform. But no one has exactly explained how to do it—until now. This book provides the practical guidance you need to make it happen.


So yes, I want you to buy the book! Can you tell I am excited?
I want to ask you to wait until the week of May 21–25, which is the official “launch week.” The reason is that I want to register as many sales as possible during this period of time in an attempt to get the book on the New York Times best sellers list.
You are the key. And I need your help.
If you are willing to wait, I will reward you BIG TIME for doing so. Here’s the deal: if you buy the book during the week of May 21–25, I will send you SEVEN FREE BONUSES worth $375.98.
I will announce what these bonuses are on May 21st, here on my blog. They will include a new video training program, the digital editions of the book, and the unabridged audio edition of the book—and those are just three of the seven bonuses I am including.


Again, I’ll tell you in detail what you’ll get on May 21st and how you can get this special, limited time offer. What I am asking you to do now is sign up below to be notified.
I promise, I will not spam you or share your information with anyone else. This is strictly for the purpose of notifying you when it’s time to buy the book and get your free bonuses.
By the way, please tell your friends about this offer and ask then to come signup. Someone you know needs a platform of their own!
(If you can’t see this form in your RSS reader, click through to the post on my blog to sign up.)


  1. A great book from a man who knows the business!

  2. Michael… I can't count how many times over the last few years that I have had an "ah-ha" moment after reading some timely bit of advice on your blog. But more than that, you have spurred me on to-- above all -- maintain a standard in all that I do. Not only have you given good advice, you have been an example, yourself, in how to do that. I am thrilled that you have come to this wider place of sharing with others, because I believe so many of us "have visions" and don't know where to run with them. May you be greatly blessed in this new adventure set before you, and… ok, ok… so, I will wait until May 21st to by the book...


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