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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Doing New Things

“Sing to GOD a brand-new song. He’s made a world of wonders! He rolled up his sleeves, He set things right.” (Ps. 98:1, The Message)

Do you like doing new things?

I thought I did, until I had to do a really important new thing—find a job. Then I realized that what I really like is routine.

I enjoy the comfort of getting up in the morning and knowing, within some parameters, what I’m going to do that day.

Writers straddle this line

We love working on our existing manuscripts—crafting characters, deepening plots, adding in those glorious sensory details. We love writing, but more than that we love having written, as Dorothy Parker said.

I treasure the opportunity to spend more time with my characters, messing up their lives and figuring out how to fix it. I dread coming to the end of the book—until I’ve written “The End” and then I love it.

For about 30 minutes.

That’s when I first start to think about what comes next: Starting a new book. Shortly, the creative paralysis sets in.

Can’t afford to shut down

Knowing this about myself as a writer, coming to a screeching halt is what I need to avoid when looking for a new job. After all, as a job applicant, there is only so much you can do—and then you’re waiting on some company’s Human Resources department.

So I determined to move forward with an idea I’d been toying with for several years, but never had the time to pursue: freelance editing. This week I debuted

What fine line?

You’ve heard someone say, “There’s a fine line between ‘this’ and ‘that’.” Well, I see fine lines everywhere. For instance, there’s a fine line between:
  • Being ready for publication and being published.
  • Having completed a manuscript and having that manuscript ready for publication.
  • Having the desire to write and having the determination to complete a manuscript.

I believe, based on my past experiences and my skills, that I can help writers cross over the fine line separating them from the next step on their journey.

What you’ll find on my site

On Tuesdays, come Into the Edit with me as we look at one author’s writing before, during, and after my edit. Ane Mulligan was this week’s author.

Thursdays we’ll look at ways you can improve your writing (also known as self-editing) to move you closer to your goal–whether that’s publication or ministry-related. Today begins a two-part look at ways to add clarity to your writing.

Then, on Saturdays, stop in for a clever or humorous writing quote as a way to ease out of the week.

Doing something new can be scary, but The Word addresses this, of course:
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! (Isaiah 43:19, The Message)

Michael Ehret loves to play with words and as editor of the ACFW Journal, he is enjoying a new playground. He also plays with words as a freelance editor/writer at and as a contributor here on Novel Rocket. He has edited several nonfiction books, played with words as a corporate communicator, and reported for The Indianapolis Star.

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  1. Thanks for the information,Michael. It sounds as though your new site will contain some great ideas and information. My husband has faced an unwelcome job hunt three times over the past ten years and I've prayed for you since I learned of you participation in this unique fellowship. Blessings on you and your bursting-with-new venture!

    1. Thanks Marti,

      My wife has gone through this, as well. But it was WAY long ago and was the best thing for her. God has a plan. He always does.

  2. Mike, I'm praying the Lord floods you with work! You're a wonderful editor. I know.

  3. My manuscript is still in the "figuring-out-how-to-connect-the-dots" stage, but I have totally bookmarked your website.
    All the best!

  4. Janice, I think we all have a manuscript in that stage! I know I do. Thanks and hope to hear from you on my site, too.


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