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Thursday, April 05, 2012

Take No Shortcuts!

If you want to be an overnight success, go read another blog.

No, I’m serious. Novel Rocket is about putting in the work, making the connections, learning the craft, writing and then revising, revising, revising.

But, if you have the passion, commitment, and determination—and a chunk of time to invest—there is help out there.

As the editor-in-chief of the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild, obviously I’m most familiar with the ways we help aspiring novelists. We have fantastic courses—so why be shy?

Top-shelf instruction

For instance, our Craftsman course is our most advanced and demanding—but with good reason. In 2009, Craftsman graduate Henry McLaughlin won our Operation First Novel contest with Journey to Riverbend (Tyndale), the book he prepared for his class assignments.

In the Craftsman course, students receive exclusive instruction, encouragement, and support from multiple Christy Award winning author DiAnn Mills as their mentor, but also enjoy face-to-face instruction with Jerry B. Jenkins and other experts like Brandilyn Collins, Steven James, Angela Hunt, James Scott Bell, and Dr. Dennis E. Hensley at an exclusive 4-day residency in Colorado Springs CO.

What students say
“The Craftsman course gave me what I was looking for—structure, technique, and organization for writing my first novel. I will take my idea all the way!” – Dennis Ricci

“It improved my confidence level and writing ability more than I expected. I started the course as someone who writes. I left a writer.” – Marsha Tallman

“By far the best course I’ve taken on novel writing.” – Florence Larson

“The residency prepared me for publication.” – Ella Sadler

Is it for you?
A new Craftsman class starts May 1. I’ll admit right here, it’s not for everyone. But if you are a good fit, it can be a difference maker. Get more information.

There are other options. Just Google novel writing course and stand back as the torrent of information floods over you. With Craftsman you’ll receive instruction and support from Christian authors at the top of their game.

Not ready for Craftsman? Look here.

Michael Ehret loves to play with words and as editor of the ACFW Journal, he is enjoying a new playground. He also plays with words as the editor-in-chief of the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild and as a contributor here on Novel Rocket. He has edited several nonfiction books, played with words as a corporate communicator, and reported for The Indianapolis Star.

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1 comment:

  1. There is no substitute for doing it right! I'm a firm believer in that. And you've got a great lineup for this class, Mike!


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