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Sunday, April 08, 2012

A Fresh Slate

Today's guest devotion is by Diann Hunt, from: Delight Yourself in the Lord…Even on Bad Hair Days © 2011 Summerside Press

A Fresh Slate

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 
Lamentations 3:22-23

My husband is an elementary teacher. When September rolls around each year, he gets as excited as his students. We go shopping for clothes, school supplies, and he gets his room ready for the kids. The smell of sharpened pencils, fresh chalk, and cleaning supplies fill the room. New wall hangings, posters, clean blackboards and a tidy desk all mark the beginning of a school year.
Each year, he learns something from the year before—what tools strike interest in the hearts of the students, what presentations worked and which ones flopped. He considers new ways to motivate the daydreamers and challenge the restless.

Some days, he comes home and feels as though he didn’t accomplish a thing. Other days, he wonders how he could ever do any other job. He takes his newfound knowledge into the next year in hopes of doing a better job than before. Every class offers new challenges of its own and my husband faces each one head-on, with renewed encouragement and excitement for another year.
In short, he gets a fresh slate.

When my kids were little, I wanted to be just like Caroline Ingalls. You know, kindness lifting from my lips like a soft minuet, and wisdom rolling into every word. Unfortunately, it didn’t work like that for me.
There were days when the kids were rowdy and I had a headache—I don’t think Caroline ever had those. My patience was short and the tone of my voice carried around the block like a Marine Corps sergeant. Unfortunately, I resembled Mrs. Oleson more than I did Mrs. Ingalls.

I prayed for wisdom, gentleness and, yes, even patience. So many nights I wondered what kind of memories I had created for my children that day. I’d fall on my knees and pray, “Lord, help them to forget everything I did wrong and remember if I did anything right.” It must have worked. They speak fondly of their childhood.
Some days are hard. The challenges seem too great to bear. Sometimes we can’t seem to work beyond our past. We feel God is silent and we’re all alone. But then His Word reminds us that His compassions never fail. They are new every morning! Great is His faithfulness!
Forget about yesterday. This is the day that the Lord has made. You have the opportunity to start all over. Trust God with it. Go into a hurting world and make brand new memories—memories that matter. You have a fresh slate. Go with His blessings.

Today’s Prayer: Father, thank You for each new day where we can learn to trust You more. May we be counted among the obedient, the faithful. Help us to make the most of every opportunity and to remember your compassions are new every morning.

Diann Hunt admits to seeing the world from a slightly different angle than most, and she will do just about anything (within reason) for chocolate. Since 2001, Diann has 20+ books, including Love Letters in the Sand. Diann has won the American Christian Fiction Writer's prestigious Book of the Year award in her genre. Diann and her real-life hero-husband make their home in Indiana. Visit her Website at

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. A perfect perspective for this Easter morning. He is risen ... therefore we have a new and fresh beginning in Him.
    I am going to link to this post from my site. I hope you don't mind. :)


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