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Saturday, January 14, 2012

What Do You Read

I thought this might be a fun poll for Saturday. We know the majority of our Novel Rocket readers hang out in the CBA, but I'm curious if most of what you read comes from the CBA. So, for this poll, we're asking:

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  1. I tend to read more ABA simply because it's easier to find. I use the library most of the time, and sadly, not a lot of Christian fiction seems to make it to the public library.

  2. That is sad, Kessie. We've got a decent collection at mine. Did you know that you can request books? That would help out not just the authors and you but other readers get some Christian fiction. All you have to do is go to the desk and ask them if you could request a book they don't carry. Most will give you a form to fill out and voila!

    BTW, for those who don't know, CBA is Christian fiction, ABA-everything else.


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