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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Friday, December 02, 2011

Author Publisher ~ Aaron Patterson ~ Interview

Aaron, you wear a lot of hats, author, publisher, speaker or motivator which one is the best fit for you? And why?

I like writing and marketing my books, but I know I would get bored so publishing keeps me busy. Sometimes I wonder why I ever did it but so many of my authors are really cool people so I am glad I did.

What led you into this particular orbit (which events/skills/etc - a bit of background on why you are writing and publishing)?

I have no background in writing or publishing. Maybe that is what makes me good at it. I worked construction for 11 years and as a trainer for a few years in the middle. I have always been a entrepreneurial and so when I wrote my first book it was natural to just do it on my own. I think the key is not knowing the rules, I just did what seemed like it would work, and it did.

What is something that has pleasantly surprised you about some aspect of publishing?

How fun it can be. So many opportunities and with big publishers running scared it makes my job easier.

Is there a challenge that you did not expect to face? What is it and what have you done to try to tame it?

Hmmm... maybe finding good editors, so many people think they are good at it but working on a book is so different. I had to go through a lot of duds to get a good team together.

What is the most exciting part of being in publishing today? Do you have predictions or expectations?

eBooks. I am so excited about the future and seeing our authors grow. I hope to be on the front end of the eBook revolution.

What marketing strategies have worked well for you? Or which has been a waste of energy?

Things that work well are blog tours, Facebook marketing and Twitter... not worth my time? Maybe anything in print, adds, stuff like that. Online is where it is at!

Do you have a favorite genre? Is it what you are writing now? If not, why?

Yes... YA Paranormal and Thrillers... it is what I love to read and what I write.

If you weren't in publishing/writing and speaking, what would you likely be doing?

Still working out in the heat and the cold at the end of a pipe wrench... I would have some little business and try to get out of the grunt work. I am so blessed to be a full time writer.

What advice or rocket fuel do you have for our readers?

Read and keep an open mind, you never know what book you will love, and try someone new, break out of the NYT bestseller list, so many rockin cool indie authors out there!

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  1. What a refreshing post! I'm not sure I am capable enough to get away with breaking the rules, and my ideas of "what seems like it would work" may not mesh with reality... but you still make me feel motivated to jump in and try!

  2. Thanks for having me on... this is a cool blog.

  3. Aaron, you were one of the first to introduce me to the possibilities of e-books through your interview on Joe Konrath's blog in January 2011. The concept blew me away and I've been learning all I can. I'm working on publishing my second e-book, and actually thinking about buying a Kindle.

    Thanks for continuing the encouragement!


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