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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Having Been Ungrateful …

The Novel Rocket team has been thinking about thankfulness and what a proper response to Thanksgiving might be. Perhaps our thoughts can be boiled down to one statement by Rocketeer Michelle Griep, author of Undercurrent: “I’m thankful God’s in charge of this nuthouse, not me.”

Okay, we’re done. What else is there to say? Go eat your turkey.

But, if you’re still reading, we wouldn’t want you to feel cheated.

Gina Holmes, President and founder of Novel Rocket and the bestselling and award-winning author of Crossing Oceans and Dry as Rain:

Having been poor, I’m thankful for food in the cupboard, toilet paper in the bathroom, a mortgage that’s up-to-date, a car that runs and gas to run it.

Having been lonely, I’m thankful for a husband who adores, me, children who are the joy of my life, and two dogs who live to give me love.

Having been sick, I’m thankful for my health. Having lost people who were dear to me, I’m thankful for family and friends I still have. Having been depressed, I’m thankful for the joy of watching my children laugh, my husband celebrate a victory, my parents and siblings share stories and smiles.

Having been a terrible writer, I’m thankful for critique partners who slashed my work, how-to books and conferences that taught me well, and great literature.

I’m thankful the years of writing were not in vain; that the elusive writing contract finally came and that I was signed with a publisher I never would have seen for myself but realize now was the perfect choice. I’m thankful for an agent who is also a friend and genuinely cares about me, not just my career.

I’m thankful too for Novel Rocket, and this amazing team of contributors. . . and all that God has blessed us with over the years. The readers and writers we’ve been able to connect with because of it. And I’m thankful for the new faith-based website we’ve started because of God’s prompting, God has already done amazing things through it!

Ane Mulligan, VP of Novel Rocket:

I’m thankful for many things, but two stand out: Our wonderful Novel Rocket team members. Because of them, I don’t have to tax my few remaining brain cells posting so many days. That gives me the time I need to search for my lost marbles, which I need to keep my characters from running amok.

I’m thankful my son grew up with a love of cooking, became a gourmet, and now works for a 5-star chef. Of course, that means my previously-appreciated culinary skills are now looked upon with scorn.

Okay, maybe three stand out: I’m thankful for my wonderful critique partners. Without them, my words would fall flat.

Yvonne Anderson, author of Story in the Stars and coordinator of the Novel Rocket writing contest:

I’m thankful the Lord gave me a story to share with the world. The old, old story of Jesus and His love is the only one worth telling. First, what a blessing to know it—and to be commissioned to tell it besides! Glory!

Ronie Kendig, author of the military thriller series, The Discarded Heroes, which includes Book 4, Firethorn, coming in January 2012.

This year has been crazy-busy! Looking back two things of immense beauty stand out to me: 1) God’s gifting me to write and then letting me do this thing that—when expectations are laid at His feet—is so incredibly fun and thrilling. 2) He has filled my life with some amazing friends who encourage me, support me, and challenge me to be a better person, Christian, and writer. I am a blessed girl.

Marcia Lee Laycock, author of Abundant Rain: Inspirational Words for Writers of Faith a collection of devotionals originally published on Novel Rocket.

I’m thankful for a God who stays close even when we don’t know it.

James L. Rubart, author of Rooms, Book of Days, and The Chair.

Having an amazing, beautiful, supportive wife? Score. Having two stellar, handsome, smart, sons who follow Jesus? Double score. Makes me incredibly grateful.

Gina Conroy, president and founder of Writer...Interrupted where she mentors busy writers.

I’m thankful I get mistaken for Gina Holmes all the time! I’m hoping one day it will actually pay off—in contracts, book sales, royalty checks...”

Kelly Klepfer, senior editor of Novel Rocket who owns and runs the blog, Novel Reviews.

I’m grateful for the basic things like the air I breathe, my near-dear ones, the taste of produce I grew and nurtured, and that the sun rises every day and with it, new mercies.

Anita Mellott, whose School Is Where the Home Is: 180 Devotions for Parents is a unique blend of biblical and practical inspiration for each home school day.

I’m grateful God is bigger than my problems and that His grace carries me through the valleys.

Michael Ehret, editor-in-chief of the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild and editor of American Christian Fiction Writer’s ezine, Afictionado.

I live an amazingly blessed life with my wife of 30 years. We have three children who make our hearts smile. I get to play with words for a living—and in ways I could never have imagined, but that God had planned for me from the beginning of time (Psalm 139).

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  1. I'm thankful for all of you. I'm beginning to get the impression that I may really be able to write and publish a book. And share my faith, my awesome Lord. Thank you so much for this. God bless and Happy Thanksgiving from New Jersey.

  2. Hey, y'all! Happy Thanksgiving from Georgia! Love to everyone!


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