On October 1, 2011, the INSPYs posted their short list for the 2011 INSPY Awards. Below is the official release of the finaling titles.
SPECIAL CONGRATULATIONS to NovelRocket columnists: Mike Duran and Ronie Kendig for making the short list!
The INSPY Advisory Board is pleased to announce the shortlists for the 2011 INSPY Awards. We thank you for your enthusiastic nominations of books and again acknowledge the difficulties in narrowing the field with so many quality nominations.
Creative Nonfiction
- Little Princes by Conor Grennan, William Morrow, January, 2011
- One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, Zondervan, January, 2011
- Passport Through Darkness by Kimberly L. Smith, David C Cook, January, 2011
- The Waiting Place by Eileen Button, Thomas Nelson, June, 2011
- The World is Bigger Now by Euna Lee & Lisa Dickey, Broadway, September, 2010
- City of Tranquil Light by Bo Caldwell, Henry Holt & Co, September, 2010
- The Blackberry Bush by David Housholder, Summerside Press, June, 2011
- The Reluctant Prophet by Nancy Rue, David C Cook, October, 2010
- Wolves Among Us by Ginger Garrett, David C Cook, April, 2011
- Words by Ginny Yttrup, B&H Publishing, February, 2011
- Back on Murder by J. Mark Bertrand, Bethany House, July, 2010
- Darkness Follows by Mark Dellosso, Realms, May, 2011
- Digitalis by Ronie Kendig, Barbour, January, 2011
- Over the Edge by Brandilyn Collins, B&H Publishing, May, 2011
- The Bishop by Steven James, Revell, August, 2010
- A Heart Most Worthy by Siri Mitchell, Bethany House, March, 2011
- A Hope Undaunted by Julie Lessman, Revell, September, 2010
- The Preacher’s Bride by Jody Hedlund, Bethany House, October, 2010
- Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander, Bethany House, September, 2010
- Yesterday’s Tomorrow by Catherine West, Oak Tara, March, 2011
Speculative Fiction
- Heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengl, Bethany House, July, 2010
- The Charlatan’s Boy by Jonathan Rogers, Waterbrook Press, October, 2010
- The Falling Away by T. L. Hines, Thomas Nelson, September, 2010
- The Resurrection by Mike Duran, Realms, February, 2011
- The Skin Map by Stephen Lawhead, Thomas Nelson, August, 2010
Young Adult
- A Girl Named Mister by Nikki Grimes, Zondervan, August, 2010
- Losing Faith by Denise Jaden, Simon Pulse, September, 2010
- Saint Training by Elizabeth Fixmer, Zondervan, August, 2010
- The Fences Between Us by Kirby Larson, Scholastic, September, 2010
- The Truth of the Matter by Andrew Klavan, Thomas Nelson, September, 2010
Congratulations to everyone but special congrats to our own, Ronie, and Mike Duran!