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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Novel Rocket Now Has Writer Packages To Launch Your Career


Don't see what you need? Visit: Rocket Pages for more options.

Book Proposal Evaluation:
Tired of rejection? Let us help.

*Includes 3 chapter content and line edit. (Not to exceed 35 pages)
*Synopsis evaluation (Not to exceed 3 pages single spaced, 1" borders)
*Salability of idea evaluation
*Marketing plan evaluation
*Copyline/tag line assistance (With online or phone brainstorming session)
*Overall edit of Proposal (Minimum 2 double-spaced pages of evaluation.
*30 minute phone consultation
(Holmes, an award-winning novelist sold her 1st novel on proposal and first chapters.)


Ready to Launch:
Customized website header design w/business card design to match* 
• Header w/ single-sided card design - $360.00 
• Header w/ double-sided card design - $440.00 
* Includes the purchase of 2 stock images  
Blasting Off Package:
1 customized website header design w/double-sided business card design to match including custom logo design.*   
$800.00 - * Includes the purchase of 2 stock images
The Rocketeer:  
1 postcard, or bookmark design (front & back). 1 poster or flyer design (front only). 1 Book trailer design featuring still images, text and music only. 1 print ad design for up to full page ad. 1 web banner ad (static only).*
$1,030.00  * Includes the purchase of up to $100 in stock images/music

Solo Mission (digital):
1 digital book cover design (includes 2 drafts and 2 rounds of minor changes). 1 postcard or bookmark. 1 web banner ad (static only).*
$1,010.00 * Includes the purchase of up to $200 in low resolution stock images
Solo Mission (print):
1 printer-ready book cover design (includes 2 drafts and 2 rounds of minor changes). 1 postcard or bookmark. 1 web banner ad (static only).*
$1,250.00 * Includes the purchase of up to $300 in high resolution stock images
Click here to order your package!

Customized Website Header only: $220.00    

Business Card only:
• Single-sided card - $220.00
• Double-sided card - $310.00

Logo only: $400.00  (Includes 2-3 choices and 2 rounds of minor changes.)

Book Trailer only:
w/still images, text & stock music $440.00

Postcard or Bookmark only:
  • Single-sided - $220.00
  • Double-sided - $310.00

Poster or Flyer only: $210.00

Print Ad only: $210.00

Web Ad only: $150.00

Book Covers only:
(Includes 2 drafts and 2 rounds of minor changes.)
  • Digital cover - $550.00
  • Printer-ready cover - $720.00


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