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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Looking for Love

Don't forget, all you romantics out there -- until September 10, we're still taking submissions for the Contemporary Romance category of our contest.

To enter, download an entry form here, fill it out, and email it, along with the
synopsis and first chapter (or 3 - 4000 words) of your novel, to

In addition, we're accepting submissions for our final category, Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror, through October 10. So if you write speculative fiction, there's still room for you too.

There's no fee for entering, plus, this year the judges are providing useful (we hope) feedback on every submission. So you can't lose, even if you're not the winner! Or, to rephrase Tennyson, better to have entered and lost thannot toentered at all.

So join us, won't you? We're waiting with outstretched arms.


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