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Monday, June 02, 2008

Worthy Words

This year, Ane and I were honored to teach at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer's Conference.

Because Jess was unable to attend, we took over her class and taught on Building a Platform Before You're Published. Needless to say, this is not my favorite subject. I made it clear that the best way to get published was to write something publishable but then of course having a platform doesn't hurt your chances at pub board. Anyway, that class apparently helped some folks figure out what the heck a platform even was.

The other class I headed up was sharing the best advice from Novel Journey. I was told the class was really good. I knew that it would be, not because I have anything particularly insightful to share but because I got to regurgitate some of the best tidbits of advice and inspiration from some incredible writers.

Now THIS is a subject I'm passionate about. I'm passionate about good writing that changes those who read it. I'm passionate about using just the right turn of phrase. I'm passionate about pointing to truth. I'm passionate about ministering to the hurting and confused. With all the talk of a slow economy and decreased demand for fiction, I have to admit, I can get discouraged. I know I'm not alone.

When I returned from the conference, my two copies of Francine Rivers' Redeeming Love had made it almost all the way around my hospital floor (I work as a nurse on weekends). The women who'd read it all cried and were ministered to. Most said they were going to buy copies for their friends and family. Some asked questions regarding the nature of God, others were motivated to get back into the Bible.

THIS is the power of a good story that is well written, entertaining and points to truth.

Writers, keep writing. Don't grow weary. Only you can accomplish the mission God has set before you. Only YOU can write the story on your heart that He has set there. Whether you minister to one critique partner who reads it, or to the world, the power to change a life is worthy and as a child of God, you, through Him are worthy to write it.

Please do.


  1. Beautifully said Gina!

  2. Oh, I wish I could have been there!! I'm sure you guys did a great job.

  3. Well put, Gina. And thanks for taking over my class too!!


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