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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Preparing for Writers Conferences, by Rebeca Seitz

With many of us preparing for the upcoming Mt Hermon Christian Writers Conference, I thought I’d spend a few minutes today discussing the preparation for a writer’s conference.
Whether you’re an aspiring novelist or a writer with 10 published books to your credit, there are some things that never change about writer’s conferences.

First, always bring comfortable shoes. I have the hardest time following this most basic instruction because (say it with me, ladies) I LOVE SHOES! Sequins, colors, ribbons, and bows – shoes are such an easy way to express your individuality without the annoying hassle of permanence and needles that come with tattoos. But let my years of blisters be a warning to everyone: the writer’s conference is not the time to show off your new kitten heel sling-backs. Find two pairs of comfortable shoes (because I’ve yet to find a shoe that is still comfortable after four constant days of wear) and think of them as your conference shoes. I recommend ones with good arch support and strong construction. Wear them around your house for the entire day and then evaluate that night.

Second, have business cards available. Even if you have no published work to your name, you’ll still need to provide your contact information to the people you meet at conference. While I don’t use them, several authors have recommended
VistaPrint in the past, so check there.

Third, drink water! At the conference, it’s easy to get caught up in being surrounded by other people who see the world through an author’s eyes. Sitting in a roomful of like-minded individuals is a heady experience! But don’t forget your body’s basic need for water in all the hubbub. When you first arrive at the conference facility, find the gift shop or snack shop so you’ll know where to get water. (Most conferences now also provide water to attendees throughout the event.)

Fourth, pack your Bible. I know, I know, it should go without saying that Christian writers will pack their Bibles for a Christian writer’s conference. Since I’m the one who always forgets the most basic things, I thought I’d better add that little tidbit.

Fifth, pack breath mints. Sitting in a workshop for an hour after eating granola and bananas for breakfast can wreak havoc on your breath. Pop a couple of mints, though, and you’re ready to sit down with an editor or agent at a moment’s notice!

Finally, pray – right now, when you board the plane or get in the car, when you arrive at the conference, and every day throughout it – pray for God’s will to be done in your personal and professional writing life. Ask for His direction to supercede your own. And then rest in the knowledge that He listens to His children and promises them the life abundant in His riches.

Happy conferencing!


  1. Thanks for all the tips and reminders!

  2. Thanks Rebeca. I wish I was going to Mt. Hermon with you!

  3. ".. shoes are such an easy way to express your individuality without the annoying hassle of permanence and needles that come with tattoos ..."

    Snort! This one needed a bevvy alert!

    Have fun, you-all


  4. Excellent advice! Passing up fabulous shoes for comfy ones will be a challenge. I appreciate your wisdom. Thank you for sharing.


    Marla Alupoaicei



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