Starting May 1st, novelist and script writer, Ane Mulligan, will be coming on board Novel Journey to help out, along with novelist and publicist, Jessica Dotta.
I've spotlighted Ane already, and you can read all about her on her web-site Ane Ane also co-runs our sister site, Novel Reviews (This woman reads circles around me, so it goes without saying, she does the lion's share of work over there. And I appreciate her more than she could know!
Along with Ane, Jessica is one of my critique partners and has been through several groups. She is one of the most talented writers I know. She is agented by Steve Laube and is shopping her historical suspense trilogy at the moment. These novels are absolutely amazing, just like Jessica!
If you haven't heard of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), and you're a novelist, you need to check them out. Joining was one of the best moves I've made toward a career as a novelist.
ACFW 2006 Genesis Contest
Eligibility – The 2006 ACFW Genesis contest is open to ACFW members unpublished in fiction in the last seven years (no published print or electronic works of 20,000 words or more). Authors of library bound fiction dissertations are eligible. Contracted authors are not eligible. If an entrant receives a publishing house contract after February 14th, they must withdraw from the Genesis and forfeit their entry fee. Self-published authors *are* eligible, however they may not enter a manuscript previously in print. Previous Noble Theme category *winning* entries are not eligible. {The dead-line has past, but be thinking about next year!}
(The top 5 winners of The Genesis go before the publishing board at Warner Faith!)
First-Round Finalists: (I shamelessly highlighted a few of my good friend's names. Note our own Ane Mulligan made this round!)
Congratulations to ALL who made it this far!
Contemporary Romance
Kaye Dacus
Annette M. Irby
Glynna Sirpless
Kristian Tolle
Betty Woods
Historical Romance (3-way tie)
Janet Dean
Andree Eisenberg
Charlene Glatkowski
Pat Gonzales
Audra Harders
Lisa Marie Nelson
Donna Robinson
Romantic Suspense
Anita K. Greene
Kelly Irvin
Robin Miller
Kelly Ann Riley
Jill Eileen Smith
Alice Loweecy
D'Ann Mateer
Sandra Moore
Wayne Scott
Cheryl Wyatt
Science Fiction/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction (2-way tie)
Beth Goddard
Rebecca Grabill
Shannon McNear
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Mirta Ann Shultz
Sherry Thompson
Women's Fiction
Janice LaQuiere
Erin Keeley Marshall
Marian Merritt
Ane Mulligan
Julie Saffrin
General Fiction (includes General Historical, Multicultural, Young Adult, Contemporary Fiction, Chick-Lit)
Mary Ann Diorio
Mike Ehret
Heidi Gennaro
Lynne Gentry
Christina Miller
Upcoming Interviews: Editor/author, Karen Ball (quite possibly our most informative interview yet!), Eva Marie Everson, Beth White, Marta Perry, Miles Owens, Melanie Wells, and many others!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
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S'up Saturday
Saturday, April 22, 2006
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Congrats to all the finalists, especially Sandra and Ane!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the welcome, Gina - and the congrats. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to joining Novel Journey and interviewing authors. For our readers, be watching for my first interview with Eva Marie Everson.
A big, big welcome, Ane & Jessica!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome Ane and Jessica, and congrats to all the finalists!