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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Dealing with rejection

Rejection is part of life--from the moment you're the last kid picked for the kickball team, to the crush you had on that guy who asked out your best-friend instead.

It's ironic that writers tend to be hypersensitive people and the moment we try and get our work into the hands of publishers, we are met with a stream of seemingly non-stop rejection.

Of course this has never happened to me having been the captain of my highschool's cheerleading team, valedictorian, prom queen, and best-selling novelist (I write under a pen name, shh), but for the rest of you sorry saps, here's a link with some tips for dealing with the insecurities that come along with criticism and rejection.

Click here to read



    That's okay fellow sorry saps, you can all hang out on my blog where we'll have a great pity party and bemoan how no one recognizes our genius.


  2. I'll definately read this! I'm such an approval seeker and often wonder if it's a writer-thing. Why would God make the creative types so sensitive? Yes, He knows what He's doing..


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