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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Monday, October 10, 2005

Fiction Writer Hint (and another thing...)

Tomorrow's interviewee said this:

"I had been writing for seven years when I met an editor at a conference who liked my first novel, a short romance. She bought the book and had plans to buy the sequel (yippee!), but her company went bankrupt (boohoo). Being a Christian of integrity, she took the time and trouble of finding another publisher for me (grateful tears and thank-yous). What a rollercoaster ride of emotions I went through! But I knew God had a plan. In time, it was that two-book series that gave me the credentials to be considered for my next and much bigger project..."

On another note: Dave Long, editor at Bethany is hosting a great discussion to teach fiction writers what works and doesn't in a novel.
He is bravely offering up his first novel, Ezekial's Shadow, for autopsy.

On the faith in fiction blog (see links: only the best fiction blog), we will be discussing what we thought worked and what could have been better. I'm going to participate and I think there will be much to learn. Dave will be chiming in. Hope you'll check it out.

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