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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Thursday, August 04, 2005


It's been awhile since I've updated you as to what's going on with my MS.

That's for a good reason. Nothing's going on. I'm in that wait period that seems to last forever.

I e-mailed my agent awhile back and got an automated reply that he was on vacation and would be into August.

Maybe there's a contract for one of my novels just waiting for him. I can dream.

So, he's sent proposals out for Saving Eden and The Demon Chaser. Nothing yet on the first book but The Demon Chaser has found some interest.

It's a great story, kinda chick-lit meets horror with a Christian world view. It's fun. I can't imagine why publishing houses wouldn't be in a bidding war for it. I'm just slightly full of myself tonight.

Anyway, so that's what's up with that. Then the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers Conference) is coming up next month. Now that I have an agent I don't need to pitch my stories myself. So, I asked my agent if I should still go.

He said absolutely! Very important to go and network.

I love networking. I can be a social butterfly in the right setting. And conferences are one of those that I feel comfortable in.

So, I'm preparing to go to this conference and blogging and still working full time. But only for one more week.

I'm critiquing my writing group's stuff when I can and doing a really bad job on keeping in touch with my family and friends. Really bad. But, after next week, I'm going to get better.

To prepare for the conference, I need to get my business cards ready. I still have a bunch left over from years ago. I don't like them because they say "author" on them and that's considered pretentious. And they ought to have my picture and don't. But the information is all correct and I can't bring myself to waste them.

Then, I need a one sheet. Which I've recently learned is a one page sheet with my picture, bio and synopsis of the works I'm selling. Basically a promo sheet.

Then, I'll need to get my wardrobe together. Business casual. Probably buy a new outfit or two. I need some fall clothes anyway.

What else? Get my proposals together and polished.

Then, my agent is going to tell me who he's pitched my stuff to and if there's someone at the conference he didn't, I may.

So, there's the not so exciting update. Since this blog is about my journey to publication, it seems I should mention where I am in the process from time to time.

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  1. Thanks for the update, Gina. Waiting is the name of the game, isn't it? :-)

  2. That's the hard part. But, I guess all the time waiting will make "the call" that much sweeter. Thanks CJ


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