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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Never Say Die

I've been feeling discouraged lately about my writing prospects.
I now know this goes with the territory. The editor has had my full MS for about 2-3 months now. He seemed to be staying in touch often in the beginning and now the tumble weeds blow.

I know I need to be patient, I know I need to wait.

I also know I've been through a similar situation where I wooed one agent and ended up wasting months and months only to be rejected.

This could happen again.
I e-mailed an author whose had 60 or more books published. His advice about my dust gathering MS? Wait. He said, it takes time (I knew that) and I should be excited because "most authors don't get that far."

I know he's right. I should be thrilled. I'm getting attention from agents and editors. Published authors have been helping me here and there.
I finished a book, a good one, I think. And I'm working on one that I couldn't be more excited about.

I considered giving up anyway. Writing is often a miserable, lonely, frustrating process. I tried to ignore my novel in progress a week to give myself a little vacation. Guess what? I couldn't.

I've got the fiction addiction. Dagnabit.

I wondered if other writers suffered the hopelessness I am constantly plagued by.
I found a book at Barnes and Noble titled: "The Writer's Book of Hope" by Ralph Keyes.

Guess I'm not alone.

Great book btw. You get to read how this and that best seller was originally rejected by every agent and editor in the world before one lucky publisher gave it a chance.

The secret to being successful? Never say Die.

Sit down, snap a pencil in half (a dozen if you've got 'em), then get back to work.
Day two: repeat.

Will your big break ever come? Not if you quit.
Not if I quit.

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