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Saturday, October 18, 2014

You're More Influential Than You Think

By Michelle Griep

Is there an author you'd love to support but aren't quite sure how to go about it? Are you in the middle of a book that you think the world should know about? Simply want to promote some wholesome fiction? Have I got some ideas for you!

The Top 5 Ways to Promote A New Book

1. Put the book face out on the bookstore shelf.
This one is my personal favorite and the tactic I most frequently employ. Yes indeedy, people do judge books by their covers whether they admit to it or not. If a book's cover is visible (vs. only the spine), there's a higher chance a prospective buyer will pick it up.

2. Buy the book and give it to others as a gift.
Birthdays. Holidays. Just-because-I-love-you days. You know you're going to have to give out a present sooner or later. Why not kill two birds with one purchase?

3. Post a review.
You don't have to be a writer to do this. Simply write down what you liked about the book, in your own words, and post it on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, Facebook, wherever.

4. Read the book where people will see you.
Tote that book around to doctor's offices, the dentist, or on the bus. Crack it open and read when you have a few spare minutes of waiting. Most often, others will ask you what you're reading and voila. Instant commercial break.

5. Ask a bookstore clerk or librarian to help you locate the book.
Grabbing the attention of librarians or store clerks draws their attention to a particular title. If enough people do this, a buzz is least in your little corner of the universe.

So don't belittle yourself. You have way more influence than you think. Spread the word about books you love. Believe me, the author will be VERY thankful!

Michelle’s been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. Her recent release is A HEART DECEIVED, a gothic regency put out by David C. Cook (June 2013). If you’d like to keep up with her escapades, find her at or or stalk her on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the library one. If mroe people would ask their libraries to carry a book, we'd be in more!


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